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Magnolia chewed her nails out of boredom. Transfiguration was never her thing, it was better than charms but not by much.

Zach sat beside her as he normally did when they had a lesson together, though they never really speak much. From where she was sitting she had a clear view of Michael Corner whom was glaring harshly at Smith. She looked between them a few times, noting Zach either didn't notice or didn't care.

The Hufflepuff girl didn't know much about the Ravenclaw wizard but she did know one thing, him and Zacharias don't get along. They weren't as bad as Potter and Malfoy but they certainly were enemies. She often wondered why, first and second year they were inseparable and now she was watching Michael stare like he was sending a non verbal killing curse towards her table partner.

When the lesson concluded everyone began packing their things and leaving the classroom, but Dean approached Magnolia and Zach's table.

"Oh, I forgot I have to get something from my dorm. I'll see you later Mags?" Zach quickly lied, patting Magnolia on the back and slipping away through the back door.

Magnolia gave him a small nod and smile. She then turned back towards Dean, catching sight of the disappointment flooding his expression.

"I- I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into him." She nervously apologized to the Gryffindor.

"It's okay Albero, it's not your fault." Dean spoke in a defeated tone, like that was his last straw.

She let out a long shaky sigh as she watched Dean walk away. Having people you care about made feeling their pain that much harder. She was learning that right now. She felt like she'd do anything to put a smile back on Dean's face.

Throwing her backpack on she exited the classroom, not thinking of anything in particular. Then she noticed Dean waiting for her in the hall, he was on his tippy toes making sure no one was behind her.

"Hi again Dean, need something?" Magnolia asked sweeetly.

Dean looked like he was about to speak but then decided against it.
"No, never mind I'm okay." He noted as he spun around on his heels.

"Wait Dean." Magnolia called out, running up behind him until he finally stopped and turned back towards her.
"Wow you are fast." She said as she caught her breath.

"I took like five steps, how are you out of breath?" Dean laughed.

Magnolia smiled up at him.
"Yeah but for me it was like 100, as you can see you're much taller than me." She said, motioning towards him.

Dean laughed loudly, it was so boisterous it bounced of the walls slid the hallway and caught the attention of a few students walking by. Magnolia smiled at the situation, she hadn't seen a smile like that on Dean in awhile. She wondered why, but she also knew it had something to do with Smith.

Dean wiped some stray tears from his eyes as he attempted to calm himself.
"I can see why Neville fancies you so much, you have a quick tongue." He noted through chuckles.

Magnolia felt her cheeks warm at the mention of Neville. This made her even more nervous to ask what she was planning to.
"So this party-"

"Oh yeah, the one Neville invited you to? It's going to be mad!" Dean said excitedly. His expression fell slightly.
"I was actually about to ask Zach before—but, never mind. What about the party?"

"I was going to ask Cho to help, but she always makes a huge deal out of things. Then I wasn't sure who else to ask because I don't have much friends, then I remembered how Zach talked about your sense of style-

"Zach talked about me? When—Wait, don't answer that. Continue..." Dean stated. He but his lip nervously, obviously embarrassed from the outburst he just had.

Magnolia clicked her tongue and smiled, continuing with her question.
"I was wondering if you could explain to me what someone would wear to said Gryffindor party?"

Deans nerves melted away as a bright smile on his face appeared.

Magnolia threw her hands up and visibly flinched.
"Please don't make a big deal about it, I just need some pointers is all. I don't need to go shopping and I don't want to play dress up." She begged, remembering what happened the second she told Cho about her first date with Neville.

She cringed at the memory, knowing she didn't even end up buying anything or even wearing what Cho made her try on from her personal closet. Cho was an amazing friend, but their styles didn't exactly look similar.

Dean swallowed the excitable words he was about to scream and calmed himself with a deep breath.
"I'd love to look at your closet and help you pick something specific, you don't even have to try anything on if you don't want to." He replied cooly.

"Really?" She questioned.

"Yes, seriously. Let's go right now." Dean replied cheerfully. He took her hand in his and happily made their way to the Hufflepuff dorms, while he described what usually happens at their parties.

¸.•'*¨'*•✿ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ✿•*'¨*'•.¸

Dean flipped through Magnolia's things, answering questions Magnolia had as she sat on the edge of her bed nervously.

"And so what is Never have I ever?" She asked.

Dean grabbed something and turned it around, then put the garment back into the trunk.
"The drinking game, the one where you drink if you did the thing the person says they haven't done." He explained.

Magnolia fell backwards into her bed and let out a long sigh.
"I'm so confused, there's too much to know in one conversation. You all have years of party experience, how will I fit in?" She exclaimed.

Dean cleared his throat, causing her to sit up and and look onwards him. He was holding up the outfit he picked out for her, and she was rendered speechless.
"You are going to wear this, and you are going to make everyone fall in love with you by being yourself." He explained.

"That— that outfit is brilliant." Magnolia exclaimed as she stood up and excitedly took the outfit from him.

She held it up to herself in the mirror but her smile faltered slightly.
"What if I embarrass Neville?"

"Impossible, he does it all on his own." Dean noted.

Magnolia chuckled and pushed Dean playfully.
"I'm being quite serious. He's much cooler than me, he has more friends than I do." She stammered.

Dean pulled Magnolia into a tight hug. She didn't normally like the random acts of physical affection but she noted it was definitely Deans love language, and certainly acts of service as well.

She noted this, then something clicked in her head.
"Was it hard for you to not be public with Zach? Is that why you two are fighting?" She asked as she leaned away from the hug.

Dean stared back at her at a loss for words. She was exactly right and it sorta freaked him out, because frankly, he didn't even really know himself.

"I know he's not as out as I am. So what I said probably really freaked him out— I shouldn't have said it." Dean admitted out loud, feeling slightly ashamed.

Magnolia looked up at him confused. Dean knew he shouldn't say anything but he really needed to talk things out so he continued.
"I said he was my boyfriend, out loud in the pub. I was only trying to defend him against Michael Corner but—"

"Did you say, Michael Corner?" Magnolia asked curiously.

Dean nodded.
"Why.....?" He asked curiously.

"I only ask, because that was his best friend until third year. Now they hate eachother, Zach pretends he doesn't notice but Michael glares at him all the time. I don't know exactly what went down between them."

Magnolia's Greenhouse [NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM]Where stories live. Discover now