*:·. •,¸,.·'𝑬𝒙𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚'·.,¸,• ..•.·:*

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Life in the meadow is fairly difficult, but putting your heart and soul into it makes it delightful. Especially for Y/n, whose been working 24/7, 365 days a year. And did she enjoy it? Of course, she did! Her daily life consists of taking care of the yellow dogs, watering most of the plants in the greenhouse, and caring for both Shepherd and herself. Even though the two of them were the only living matter in that place, not including the dogs, it gets extremely lonely if one of them left the other's presence. 

Y/n had been watering the plants at the moment before getting a call from the shed that was behind the greenhouse. 

"How odd. Nobody ever calls us.", she muttered to herself.

Confused, she placed the watering can on the floor, dusted off some dirt that made its way on her clothes and went to pick it up. "Hello?", she answered and as soon as she picked up, she heard what seemed to be the sound of light giggles coming from a male. " Salutations Y/n! How are you doing on this fine afternoon?", the person calling was no other than Ena. "Ena? Oh, why hello! I'm doing quite alright! Just a bit of work and I will be finished in no time!" "Fantastic! Are you still going to accompany me to see Moony today? I am hoping on giving her a gift but would love for you to join my quest!" 

'How could I forget! I'm so dumb!', she thought as she nearly forgot about what Ena and she discussed the other day. 

"Why of course I am! I did inform you about coming, correct?", Y/n replied quickly. "Oh yes! You did say that! Well, now that everything is perfectly planned, let's meet up in 30 minutes sharp! By the Great Valley of Grey!", Ena said as she couldn't contain her excitement on the other line and giggled profusely. "Done! Wait...how did you receive my number Ena?", Y/n said but was quickly cut off by Ena. "No questions asked! See you later alligator!" The line cut off as Y/n stared at the phone, resting in her smooth, purple hand. "How odd.." 

She then exited the shed and made her way back to the greenhouse where Shepherd was seen, gathering the dogs near their food bowls, and getting ready for their dinner time. "О, Y/n! Я видел, как вы закончили полив растений. (Oh Y/n! I see you've finished watering the plants.)", Shepherd said as she looked over at Y/n, who was now entering the garden. "I've done all of the things you told me to do!", Y/n said happily as she stood next to her guardian, placing her hands on her hips and looking at the dogs. Shepherd looked back at the dogs, slightly smiling. "So! do you enjoy having another one of these little guys around?", Y/n asked as she glanced at Shepherd. "Ну, это удивило меня, кто гораздо больше придет, но эх. Я на самом деле не возражаю. (Well, it surprised me that much more were coming but eh. I don't mind.)", she chuckled. "Приятно иметь еще какую-то компанию. Понимаете? (It's nice to have some more company. Y'know?)" "I completely understand that. Oh! I almost forgot to tell you something".

 This made Shepherd turn and face Y/n, giving her full attention as she listened.

 "Да? (Yes?)". "Well, how do I begin.", Y/n said as she put her hand under her chin in thought. 

"I've met two new people yesterday at the auction and they seemed friendly! They have invited me to spend some time with them and I may have .... accepted?", Y/n said nervously as she waited for the figure in front of her to reply. Shepherd gave her a confused look and tilted her head to the side. "И кто эти люди? (And who are these people?)". 

This made Y/n extremely nervous as Shepherd is known to have a bad history with countless other Ena-like people. 

"W-well", she began but slightly stuttered. "One of them is like a moon who floats and goes by the name 'Moony'. And the other....", Y/n sighed as she looked up at Shepherd, giving her an apologetic smile. "I'm not sure if you're going to like what I'm about to say but..." "Но? (But?)", Shepherd said as she leaned towards Y/n, placing a hand behind her ear. "One of them is an Ena..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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