Chapter 12

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No Pov

Loona and Octavia went off to their adventure looking for Gabriel. 

"do you know who and what this "Gabriel" Looks like?" Ask Octavia, but Loona didn't pay attention to the question she was thinking about Gabriel.


"Oh sorry...I was just thinking where he should be...." Loona said looking at her. 

"Well just think of where you first saw him." 

"All I know is I left him in that terrible place.... what happens something bad has happened to him! what happen if he is dead!" Loona said crazily, Octavia grabbed her and slapped her in the face. 

"Loona! Just stop thinking of that, think that you will find him alive, just think that you will be with him." Octavia said looking at her friend who was almost about to cry. 

"O-okay... it's just...." 

"Its just nothing, we will find him" Octavia said as she hugs Loona then something.  

"I do know who can help us." Loona said as they ran to Gabriel's apartment where his mother was. 

At Gabriel's apartment

Loona and Octavia got to the apartment then saw the door open 

"Oh no..." Loona said as she ran in and saw that the desks were flips, Gabriel's computer on the floor, scratches and blood were on the wall, she ran into Gabriel's room and found that on his bed an axe was on middle of the bed, she ran the living room trying to avoid the broken TV, couch, pieces of wood and Glass "Octavia!!" she yells then Octavia got to her and saw Gabriel's Mother on the floor with a sword on her chest, blood was all over the floor

"Eh maybe your dad and the rest killed her because she might be in the list." Octavia said

"What! how do you know, Gabriel's Mother Never did anything bad!" Loona said as she walks to Gabriel's dead mother. 

"Eh oh knows." 

"We have to find Gabriel fast!"

they ran out of the place and into the forest then came up to the place House where Gabriel went to save Loona 

"This is the place you told me about?" Octavia asked Loona 

"y-yes..." she says as she runs to where the IMP group escaped from Steven's friends "he isn't here..."

"Well, we do know one thing he might be still alive." Octavia said when she said that something in the bushes move. 

"What was that!?" Loona says a little scared if Steven came back. 

"Shh!" Octavia whispered to Loona as she walked to the bush, she looked over to see who was there and it was a human body "Loona!"

"wha-" she looks at the body shocked then walks up to it make him or her roll on its back, she Gasps seeing the face and tears runs down her face "G-G-Gabriel...." 


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