Chapter 15: Sadie

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Five months later...

Life is about the unexpected, the surprises, those sudden sharp turns that make you veer off the path you thought you were on. I was staring at one of those surprises in my hand and my mind went to a night about a month ago.

I'd woken up in the middle of the night and had turned around in Gage's arms, pressing my lips to his neck, then progressing to biting a bit, nibbling my way up to his lips. Sometimes, I just woke up so damn hungry for this man it wasn't even funny. Or he woke up ready for me.

"Someone's awake," his deep, sleepy voice teased me even as his arms tightened around me.

I'd pushed my husband to his back and thrown my leg over his hips until I was straddling him, sliding down on him until he filled me. 

That's it, sweetheart.

Ride me hard. 

God, Sadie, just like that. 

You feel so fucking good.

"Gage," I whisper-breathed his name, lost in this man and all the ways he made me feel so very, very good.

After we both came hard, I collapsed on his chest, still connected.

Body, mind and soul.

"Sadie, sweetheart," his voice was calling me back from sleep. His fingers trailing up and down my back were having the exact opposite effect on me that his voice was. Here I was, comfortable, sated, ready for sleep and my husband was calling my name.

"Go to sleep," I mumbled to him.

"Sade, we didn't use anything."

But I was practically out and too relaxed to care.

The next morning, Gage had held out my coffee cup to me when I tore into the kitchen. He always had my travel mug ready to go because unlike Mr. Leisurely Morning, I gave myself juuuust enough time to get out of the house and not be late for work. Gage woke up early enough to work out, shower and dress, eat breakfast, check the stock reports, and drive to another state and back. Or so it seemed. Opposites really do attract.

"Do you remember last night?" he asked.

"Of course!" Kind of, in a dreamy, hazy, orgasmic kind of way.

"We didn't use anything." Those words sounded vaguely familiar, so I figured he'd tried to talk to me about it last night.

"Yeah, I just kind of...hopped on board without thinking anything other than how good you felt. Sorry."

His mouth hitched up at one side. "No need to be sorry since I was right there with you. I just wanted to point that out in case you weren't ready for the possible consequences."

I knew what he was getting at. "You want me to take Plan B?"

He shook his head. "Not what I'm saying. I'm asking what you want. I'd be happy as hell with a little you running around, but we haven't talked timelines for expanding our family."

"Well, it's just the one time, so I'm sure I'll definitely get pregnant."

His eyes widened, so I leaned into him and whispered.

"I'm reverse psychologing my body. You know, most people say it was just the one time, so I won't get pregnant and then BAM! They get pregnant. I'm taking the opposite approach so I won't."

"Not sure that's how it works, Sade." But I could tell he wanted to laugh. "Also not sure that psychologing is a word."

"I honestly wouldn't be upset either way," I told him.

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