360 8 2

name: "talk" - speech
name: 'Think' - thought
*act* - action
plain text - narration
note - text

*3rd Pov*

As Y/n and Yu enters the Kaiba Dome they are greeted with the sight of around 100 people.

Y/n: "WOW that's a lot of people!"

Yu: "Well you would expect there to be a lot more..."

Y/n: "Well maybe they will only show up later!"

As if on queue the two hears some commotion behind them.

As if on queue the two hears some commotion behind them

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Random person 1: "Wow its her."

Random person 2: "Eh Kanna Price is participating?"

Random person 3: "I sure hope I don't have to go against her."

Y/n: "Huh whozzat?"

Yu: "You don't know who she is?"

Y/n: "Nope!"

Y/n said happily.

Yu: "Kanna Price heir of the Price family known for their mass production of duel disks. They even partnered up with Kaiba Corp to mass produce the duel disk we use now."

Y/n: "Wait they made this?"

Y/n said waving around his duel disk.

Yu: "Yes."

Y/n: "Wow but what is she doing here?"

Yu: "Well she is said to be quite competitive and analytical so she's probably here to scout out the competition."

Y/n: "Wow she seems strong! Hey we should approach her-"

As Y/n was talking he was cut off by someone walking towards them.

???: "Hi! are you also competitors?!"

The girl said energetically.

Y/n: "Ah Yup! Are you also a competitor?"

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Y/n: "Ah Yup! Are you also a competitor?"


Y/n: "It's nice to meet you! I'm Y/n and that's Yu!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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