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Running away. Always running away.

Jamie sighed as she got up from the bed, still sweaty about the only dream she had had for years.

Her resurrection.

Her Heaven, and then her Hell. Her eternal guilt.

She had been running away from her past, making living in the present really difficult. She couldn't stay in any place for too long, knowing that her old pack would probably be looking for her and also trying to avoid any other pack she may encounter. But she was getting tired.

She couldn't run forever.

She went to the bathroom and had a cold shower. Being a part werewolf, her blood ran hot. But because of her vampire half, she had to live by consuming blood to satiate her bloodlust.

Elise really fucked me up, she thought as she looked down at her arm and stared at her scars. Most of which she gave herself. And some others killed her. But she brought her back to life.

And you stabbed her in the heart, just when she thought you had returned to her. A part of her brain reminded her.

She had betrayed the woman she loved more than anyone else. More than she loved herself.

She closed her eyes, and she saw Elise staring back at her with her black eyes. And how it was filled with shock as black blood gushed out of her chest and mouth. Like a lamb looking up innocently at her trusted shepherd, only to be stabbed by the one she loved the most. She tried to speak, but more blood came out. Slowly, her eyes turned back to their original color—white. The one Jamie fell in love with. She remembered her hands reaching to cup the side of her face. Her eyes were suddenly filled with love and longing, just like when they first met.

"Jamie, my love, I'm sorry." And as her body went limp, her army died with her.

A part of Jamie also died that day. She was hers, her other half.

She shook her head, trying to forget the only thing she ever regretted doing. She gave her life back, and she took hers.

She stepped out of the shower and dried her hair. She let it grow, hoping no one would recognize her with long hair. She stood in front of the mirror, staring at her own body.

The body that Elise owned in all ways she could possibly think of. She was hers, she couldn't deny it. And now she was lost, knowing that she was gone.

She prepared for the day and packed her bags. She had stayed in this city for too long; her old pack probably caught wind of her. Or worse, the existing pack rules this city.

She opened the door and came face to face with a man. He was looking at her intently. She knew that aura. He was a beta.

"No need to warn me, sir. I'll be leaving your city," Jamie said curtly, trying her hardest to hide her inert alpha. She kept her eyes down to avoid any conflict.

"You know you can't hide your scent, right? Please come with me; our Alpha wants to meet an Alpha-gone-rogue." His words and voice dripped with sarcasm. If she refused, this could escalate, so she agreed.

She had her head down all the way until they arrived at the pack house. This beta was a huge dude, and all she could hear from him was exasperated breathing throughout the drive. Good thing it wasn't that long, but it sure felt like it.

He stepped out of the car and waited for her. She composed herself.

At least all they know is that she was a former Alpha, not a part vampire.

Suddenly, she remembered Taylor. The most famous Hybrid. The Countess. The One. At first, she never understood why they called her that. She thought it was because she was the first hybrid. The first descendant of an angel and a vampire. But it was deeper than that. With Taylor, peace between different kinds of beings was finally possible. Especially with vampires and werewolves. But, of course, there's still a long way to go. Some grudges are hard to forget.

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