chapter- 3 the sqeaky singing lesson

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Georgia's P.O.V
I was singing ma fav song when Chanel came crashing through the wall being chased by a giant Packman but my singing was sooooo fabulous it ran off

Chanel's P.O.V
iiiiiiii am sooooooo Hungry. I thought. a giant packman ran after me and i crashed into georgia but luckily her amazing singing scared it away. (notice the sarcasm) I'm really scared now.

Packman's P.O.V
I was really hungry then I saw something that looked like a cherry so I started chasing it but it was running away then when I was THAT CLOSE to getting it the most ugliest singing was heard so I ran away and died.

bye bye packman....

Well that just happened, I'm really excited for THE NEXT ADVENTUREEEE. who agrees? wait no ones reading....
anyway in the next part, the girls get in an even more sticky situation when georgia and Chazza summon yoshi that is fat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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