Chapter 2

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It was fall... and Prapai - having lived in London for years - was not impressed with Fall in Thailand.. which was mostly rain... no cold and snow like in London... so he went about his days normally in fall... and Fall almost marked the end of Sky's summer vacation... meaning that he would be busy with school...No time for random outings and staying up all night with each other...

Sky loved Fall, he generally loved the rainy season, it calmed his surroundings, and more rain meant fewer people out and about, it meant he could sit in his dorm room with a movie and a hot cup of hot cocoa...

that fall though, during one of the rainiest Season... Sky opted to do nothing but cuddle his boyfriend and laze the day away... assignments were postponed anyway, so there's nothing but spending time with Prapai... Who was having a free weekend in the dorm with Sky... with the clear intent to be the centre of his attention for the upcoming days...

Sky had a plan though...

"I want to play Harry Potter... a movie marathon... maybe some popcorn and ordering in.... oh and cuddles... all ... day... long"

Prapai hummed... he wouldn't trade cuddling Sky all day long for anything in the world, needless to say, he wouldn't care if he didn't like the movie one bit... as long as Sky was in his arms... He would never complain...

Sky settled on the couch in Prapai's arms and played the movie... His head was resting on Prapai's thigh and Prapai kept a hand in his hair, patting it softly and combing the locks with his fingers...

Sky was engrossed in the movie, but whenever he looked at Prapai, he was looking at his phone... not paying any attention to the screen...

"You are not watching.."

Sky whined softly... Prapai put his phone away and dropped a kiss in Sky's hair before telling Sky he was going to make some popcorn for him...

"I will pause the movie and wait for you..."

"It's ok, Darling... you keep watching... I am going to be right back..."

Sky huffed and turned his gaze back to the screen...

Prapai took longer than needed to come back with popcorn in hand... and a cup of coffee... Sky huffed but settled back against him... shoulderd brushing insted of laying down this time... Prapai diposited the bowl in his hand before setttleing back down with his cup of coffee in hand...

once again prapai was not watching... Sky noticed and huffed without commenting... a small voice kept whispering in his head that Prapai was probably busy... too busy to just spend the day cuddling...

He was in the middle of the second movie when Prapai excused himself to go to the bathroom, once again taking way too long to come back... and when he came back he said he was going to go pick up their lunch from the nearby shop...

"In the Rain ?"

"I have a car, remember?"

"You can order in, P'Pai... You can just order in as usual..." Sky whined... What was with Prapai not wanting to spend any time with him today...

"It will only take a few minutes, baby... watch your movies and enjoy... I will be right back.."

He dropped a kiss on Sky's cheek before disappearing out of the door...

Sky was in the middle of the third movie by the time Prapai unlocked the door, take out and snakcs in hand... but Sky was pretty frusteraated...

"P'Pai.. you took way way way too long..."

"Sorry, Darling... I just thought I would grab some snacks for you..."

He saw him look at the screen before grimacing...

Sky paused the movie, before ushering Prapai forward... He stood and held Prapai's face in his palms...

"Don't you want to spend time with me ??"

"Of Course not... How can you say that..."

Prapai replied incredulously..

"Then what is it? You have been distracted... Is there something wrong? With the family? The company?"

"It's a silly thing..."

Sky dropped a kiss on Prapai's pouting lips, when Prapai chased him to get more he shifted back...

"Tell me..."

"I don't like this series.."

"Harry Potter ?"

Prapai nodded slowly...

"Especially that one..."

Prapai was pouting now... Sky wanted to laugh but knew he would probably wound prapai's honor...

"Why didn't you say so? We could have watched anything else... "

"It's really silly and I get to spend time with you and spoil you... I don't get to complain about a stupid movie..."

Sky had the softest smile... curiosity was taking the best of him though...

"Mind If I ask why you don't like it ?"

"I don't... just... I read them when they were released, you know..."

Sky nodded, expecting as much... it was big in Engliand... Prapai must have come across them in a way or another...

"I don't like that his family died, and then in that third one... his uncle... and then that Uncle dies and he becomes alone in the world...And That book just was so off putting I couldn't take that series anymore... "

Sky kissed his lips again, His Wind god was too soft and sensitive...

"You were alone in England and the idea wasn't nice to sit with, wasn't it ?"

"no... Not nice... "

Because Prapai loved his family to great lengths, sitting with the idea was not just anxiety-inducing, it was nightmarish... and then for him to imagine his Uncle frost... Sky had to dispele the bad thought... Prapai was tied to his uncle too deeply to think about such a thing and not find it offputing...

"Why didn't you tell me ?"

"You were enjoying it, and you rarely have time to unwind and rest, I cannot ruin that just because I don't like it... it's.. your time... and your rest..."

Sky kissed him with Vigor this time, he was too precious... too soft and all his... all his and his alone...

"I would rather spend my rest time doing other things P'Pai, like being in your arms or seeing stars because of you, if the stupid movie is annoying you, we can always watch something else, or we can not watch anything at all..."

"But you are enjoying iit... "

"Maybe you can put on a show I can enjoy further?"

He palmed Prapai's erection... showing him his intention clearly... Prapai's face broke into a brilliant smile...

If he was pounded into the couch and the food turned cold, that was their business alone...

In the end, It became an unspoken rule that if Sky plays Harry Potter, Prapai can always put on a better show... a way better show... 

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