Chapter 13: Regicide

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When I woke up, as always, my hand was on the empty space in the bed beside me, Like I was looking for something in my sleep, or trying to rest it on something.

I knew exactly why I did it, and I sighed, closing my eyes in disappointment. I hated myself for feeling this way, and hated myself even more for still wanting that...companionship, I suppose.

I opened my eyes and looked right at my hand again. I wanted to feel his chest there, of course I did. I wanted to feel his heartbeat, I wanted to feel his skin, I wanted to feel his presence, I wanted to feel him there with me.

But...I couldn't.

I slowly pulled my hand away from that spot, and slowly sat up over the edge of the bed, staring at my bare feet. I shook my head, my mess of blonde hair swaying as I did, before I put my face in my hands.

"...fuck..." Was all I said to myself on the subject. I knew where I went wrong, I knew exactly why this had happened, and I knew it was my own fault. Part of me didn't want to believe all of that, but...facts are facts for a reason.

I stood up with a small stretch, and got dressed for the day. Just casual clothing, jeans and a t-shirt sort of look, you know?

After I got dressed, I walked right to the door, ready to head out and face the day. But...I froze when I heard laughing.

Just...standing there...listening...wishing, almost...

I could tell the laughs were shared between Adam and Bayley, who...had a lot of fun last night, not sure if you read all of it, I certainly fucking didn't. But...them laughing like that wasn't something I wanted to listen just...reminded me of when we did that...

...I took a deep breath in, let it out, and opened the door, ready to face these...challenges.

My eyes locked onto Adam and Bayley on the couch. Adam was tickling Bayley's thighs and sides, which was causing all the laughter, while I continued to walk out of my bedroom, just staring at them with...I guess sadness.

Seeing them like that, all giggly, kissing each other while playing together. I remembered to when he and I would do that, on my dads couch, on his foster parents couch, to our own couch or our own bed.

Thinking about it all, my eyes even started to well up. My lip quivered a bit, but I just looked to the side, clearing my throat a little bit by accident.

That caused Bayley to notice I was out of my room. She looked over at me with a smile, before quickly brushing his hands off.

"Oh, sorry Charlotte! Didn't see you there! Morning!" She greeted me with a laugh, so I just gave her a nod.

She didn't seem to notice my welled-up eyes, which was a good thing. But as soon as he looked over at me as well, Adam did notice, getting off of the couch and quickly walking over to me.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked quickly, reaching one of his hands towards my arm. I appreciated him asking more than he would ever know, but I couldn't show him least not yet. So, I just smiled a little bit, nodding at him.

"Yeah...I'm fine..." I told him, trying to sound as calm as I could, but with the whole situation...that was hard. He tried to offer me a little smile, dropping his hand back to his side and tilting his head to the side a little.

"So...what was wrong last night?" He asked softly, keeping his hands by his sides. It was a valid question, and ne I had no real escape from. I couldn't tell the truth, because then I'm some jealous bitch who can't get over her ex, only real option was to lie.

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