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In this world everyone is divided, yes I know you know that everyone is divided but im not talking about that kind of divided, Im talking physically divided. There is the infected and Non-infected.
Im sure when I said infected the first theng that came to mind was zombies but sorry to burst your bubble but this isnt a zombie story.
The infected that I am talking about are infected by a man made virus, I guess it is kind of like zombies but with animal like features including the intelegence of one.... err the intelegence of a rabid one, although some of us got lucky and didn't go rabid. Yes you heard correctly, I did say "Us" because I am one of the infected.
The division happened about a year ago when the virus was developed and spread during the trials. How I know this you ask? well I was there and experienced it first hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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