New View of Tragedy

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(Mumei POV)

I was in my bird form flying around to a town. The reason why I came here.....I forgor...oh whatever, I'm the guardian of civilization so I'll just check on these people of this town

I perched on a branch while looking about the area, watching the townsfolk as they walked by. Talking, laughing, and enjoying their life. It made me feel good. It was little sad for me cause I never Really had people to socialize.....being the guardian of civilization and it's consequences......

I continued to watch. Happy but maybe a little jealous. I see a car go right under the branch I was sitting on. I'm not going to lie, that scared me a little. I see inside the car and there was a little boy inside. He looks about 10 years old. But, something was different about him. Like he had some type of power or something

I see the boy get out his car with his mom I presume. He went inside his house

I was interested in this kid and why I felt that from him

Mumei: let's see what your up too

I flew to a nearby window and watch as he talk to his parents. This made me feel a little creepy cause I'm stalking a child. But I'm to intrigued. He walks away and goes to his room and I fly over to his bedroom window. I'm surprised he didn't see me. He does homework for a while as I watched

He finished his homework and walks down his hallway

I go to a nearby window hoping he would see me. Which he did. He leaves to the kitchen and brings back...... berries!! Lucky kid. I knew I should of brought some with me but I forgor

He opens the window and I fly to the opening. Perching on the window. He hands his hand full of berries to me. I cautiously pecked at it. No one in all my years on this earth has someone giving me berries. Let alone by hand.....or at least that I can remember. I have been around a loooong time. I decided to just eat the berries. Omg these berries are sooo good. I could and will eat them my whole life. He slowly began to reach to my head and put his hand on it. It was a shock that's for sure. I wasn't expecting that. He starts scratching my head and it was like pure bliss. I know for sure that no one has done this to me. It felt so good that I instinctively leaned in his hand

???:aww that cute, what if I scratched under your chin?

He stops scratching my head..... I was little upset that he stopped. But, he did something that I did not expect at all.......he went for my chin......I really cannot explain how good it felt. It was euphoric. I really leaned in to his hand more than before. I didn't want him to stop

???:Your a cute one aren't you~ now why are you her-

A loud bang went off behind him out of the house. He stops and I flew out to investigate. I flew to a nearby branch and saw in horror as this entire community has been wiped out. Bodies and flames everywhere. I saw the boys parents outside of the house with a man in dark. He looks like a bandit but it was like he was searching for something

He points the blade to the boys mother throat.

Bandit: I'm only going to say this once and once only. Where is the artifact!

Artifact? What's he talking about?

Boys mother: I-I don't know what your talking about?!?

The bandit sighs and he stabs the woman in the stomach. The sound of skin being broken and meat being stabbed was agonizing. Began to leak out through the wound even though the blade was still in there. The scream the woman let out was deafening and bloodcurdling

The bandit took the blade out just as swift as he put it in ( that's so bad out of context). The blood leaked more as she fell down. The husband rushed to her and began to scream her name while crying. The woman slowly and painfully bled out. I-I wanted to do something but I'm not supposed to interfere with humanity

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