Chapter 1

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-3 years later-
Jareth was lounged across his throne, his legs dangling over the arm of the chair. He was alone, his only companion being the small crystal sphere he played with, spinning it in intricate knots through his fingers and arms. Although he enjoyed this pastime, he didn't smile. He rarely had a reason to smile anymore. Jareth's appearance had deteriorated the past three years. His skin, although usually quite fair, was a pale grey, stretched tight across his cheekbones from lack of appetite. His eyes had dark circles under them, so deep in colour that it appeared that someone had smudged purple-black chalk under them with a heavy hand. His physical fitness had dissipated to skin and bone. His long, slender hands were still the same, although the joints were more defined, looking as fragile as a bird's. The most terrifying of all were his eyes. Not the dark circles, but his physical eyes. The once warm and mischievous mismatched eyes had become cold and ruthless; blue and brown marbles stuck in a freezer. Because of Jareth's explosive, unbalanced self, not a single goblin dared to enter Jareth's castle without express permission from the King himself. Those summoned went in full of terror, for those who went into the castle seldom returned to their homes. The King made sure the goblins paid for the loss of Sarah.
"Sire?" a hesitant voice called, opening the throne doors. The King sat up instantly, his face filling with practiced malice and evil.
"You dare interrupt me?" Jareth's voice was a deadly, raspy whisper. The poor goblin looked faint with terror.
"N-no sire, I-I mean, yes sire, I-I mean..."
"What is it, you sniveling coward?" Jareth snarled.
The goblin wrung its hands together, slightly crumpling the paper in its hands. Jareth heard the crunching noise and immediately found the source.
"What is that paper you have in your hand?" Jareth asked, his voice a deadly calm while his eyes flamed.
The goblin quickly handed the paper to Jareth, his hand trembling as it was taken. "My soldiers and I were going through the rubbish field, looking for things in our home when this paper caught my eye," he motioned to it in Jareth's hand, "I cannot read very well, but i could see that it was addressed to the Traitor from a person named Sarah--"
"Sarah?" Jareth was out of his throne in an instant. He grabbed the goblin and lifted him to eye level.
"What do you know of Sarah?" he asked tensely, the calm façade barely holding.
The goblin started shaking so badly his teeth chattered, making his words harder to understand.
"N-nothing S-Sire, just that her n-name i-is on the p-paper." he stuttered.
Jareth dropped him abruptly. The goblin fell onto the ground in a ball of terror.
"Get out," Jareth said quietly, "And do not breathe a word of this letter to anyone lest you want a visit to the executioner."
The goblin, hardly believing his luck, scurried out of the room as fast as his legs could carry him.
Jareth waited until the goblin disappeared before he slowly sat down on his throne, staring at the letter as if it was going to disappear. His delicate fingers unfolded it, and Jareth began to read:

My dearest friend Hoggle-
I haven't heard from you in some time. I hope Jareth hasn't been too hard on you for helping me get through. You know how he can be. Anyways, I just wanted to write to you to let you know about the upcoming events in my life at the moment. First of all, Toby is now in kindergarten a year early! He's getting so big! I have just graduated college and I am now a high school English teacher in New York City. Busy! But the most exciting thing of all: I'm getting married next week!
Robert and I made it official yesterday. I want you to come, so let me tell you the date and place. It will be Thursday, December 16th at St. Bernard's on 328 W, 14th St. I hope you can make it. I have a special pew saved just for you (in the back, just in case. I know how shy you are and how some people may react) anyways, I hope to see you there!
Lots of love,

Jareth's hands started to shake. His eyes flashed, full of rage and fresh pain. Tears gathered in the corners of his eyes, but didn't fall. His hands closed in, turning into a fist and crushing the letter in his hand. The words bounced around his skull, full of new pain each time it hit him.
"I'm getting married next week" Those words were wasps, stinging relentlessly, mercilessly.
"Damn that unfaithful, ungrateful woman!" He screamed, balling up the letter and hurling it to the ground."Damn her! Curse her! No!" His hands started to glow, his anger causing his magic to seep through his skin, making him lethal to anything near him.
"NO!" he screamed again, pitching his magic across the room. Orbs magically surrounded him, lifting him off his feet. His rage and pain fueled his magic, sending flying crystals everywhere. He threw his magic, destroying everything in its wake. The forest came down in a ball of fire. The labyrinth walls collapsed with each shattering orb. Black clouds gathered ahead and threw lightning and thunder around him, giving him the fascia of a deranged god.
He felt claustrophobic, full of anger and pain, so he transformed swiftly into an owl and disappeared into the storm.

Those Cruel Eyes Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now