Delighted To See You Again! (Not.)

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Ao'nung was a stubborn dumb boy, he often got into fights with kids in his neighborhood, especially with the kids next door, Neteyam and Lo'ak, mostly Neteyam as Lo'ak was always playing with Tsireya. As Tsireya's brother returns from boarding school, Ao'nung instantly becomes popular for his appearance and intelligence. As he joins with the seniors, he meets again with his favorite enemy, Neteyam Sully, the leader of the archery club, school president and the smartest of all. He was perfect and got along with everyone except him. Neteyam was 17, Ao'nung was 18, Tsireya, Rotxo, Kiri and Lo'ak all just turned 17 too and Tuk was 10.

"Brother!" Tsireya ran to her older brother and hugged him after several years. "Son." Tonowari and Ronal greeted their son. "Father, mother." Ao'nung bowed in respect. "Where is Rotxo?" Rotxo was Ao'nung's adopted younger brother. "Here! Hey bro." They left the airport and got some lunch. As they caught up with life they returned home. 

Neteyam was studying as always. He finished up and took a shower. He looked outside his window and saw the family next door carrying a few bags and boxes inside their home. He paid no mind to it. "Neteyam! Dinner!" His mom called. "Done studying bro?" Lo'ak joined him as they climbed down the stairs. "Yeah." "Nerd. 1 month until the 2nd semester! You excited?" "Hell yeah." "Hurry up snails!" Kiri yelled as she ran beside them. "Wait for me!" Tuk followed her adopted older sister.

Neteyam was greeted by the students as he walked down the hall, he was feared there and he was strict, very. He put his books into his locker. Shutting his door, he was greeted by Lo'ak who was leaning on the locker next to Neteyam's. "Shit you scared me." "I got some news for you." "What is it?" "Bro." Kiri walked up to the brothers. "Ao'nung is back." Lo'ak and Kiri said with a blank expression. "Neteyam! Hi, I'm sure you've heard about the new student already. Here's his schedule, you've been assigned to tour him and join him in his classes today. I'm sure you won't mind." The school secretary walked up to him and handed him Ao'nung's schedule. "Thank you!" She walked away into her office. The three siblings stared at the paper wide-eyed. "Yeah.. I got to go I think Rotxo is calling me.." Kiri said as she walked away to find her boyfriend. "Same me and Tsireya agreed to meet up at her locker today.. So uhm... Yea bye bro see you!" Lo'ak and Kiri left Neteyam there stunned. 

"Hey Sully!" The students looked over at the two. Neteyam usually ignored whoever came to him or said to ask Kiri, but this was different. Neteyam faced Ao'nung with an irritated smile. "Hi, Ao'nung." "Did you miss me?" Neteyam stayed silent. Not even 5 minutes in the conversation and his blood was already boiling. Neteyam kept his wide smile. "No." The bell rang and everyone awaited for Ao'nung and Neteyam to head into their rooms. 

Neteyam took off Ao'nung's hair tie, ruining his bun. The darker boy pulled his hair whole and whispered in his ear. "Listen you prick, you may have been my old bully but your cocky attitude won't work on me anymore. I will have you expelled if you piss me off for the last time. Got it?" Neteyam stressed as Ao'nung smirked at him, he whispered back. "Yes sir." "Good. All of you get in your rooms!" Neteyam yelled as he walked Ao'nung to their class. 

A few months passed and soon, Ao'nung was rising to the top as one of the smartest. Ao'nung teased Neteyam and he teased back. The tension between the two rose everyday. Ao'nung slowly pulled tricks on Neteyam and he was fed. Neteyam filled Ao'nung's locker with baby cockroaches. To return the favor, Ao'nung cut the string of Neteyam's bow. He wasn't happy, at all.

Neteyam stormed out the club room and yelled Ao'nung's name across the hall. The hall silenced as Neteyam balled his fists. Ao'nung tapped Neteyam's shoulder and whispered to him. "You called?" Neteyam raised his arm and hit Ao'nung with his broken bow. "Ow! What the hell was that for?!" "That's for my bow!" Ao'nung stood up. "So what? Big deal just get a new one." Tears formed in Neteyam's eyes. "Are you insane?! My grandfather gave this to me before he died!" "Okay and?" Ao'nung scoffed. Neteyam's sad eyes transformed into raging ones. "You son of a bitch!" Neteyam jumped on Ao'nung as the two wrestled on the floor, the students recorded and gossiped. "You guys!" Lo'ak, Kiri, Tsireya and Rotxo approached the two and pulled them apart. "Boys! In my office now!" The vice principal called, she was in charge for today as the principal was on leave.

"You two are in so much trouble. I have called your parents, they are coming." Tonowari, Jake, Ronal and Neytiri barged into the room. "My son!" "Ao'nung!" After the parents tended their sons, the vice principal cleared her throat. "Apparently, Ao'nung cut the string of Neteyam's bow and Neteyam snapped. Is that it boys?" "Yes ma'am." Neteyam said defensively. "Yes ma'am." Ao'nung muttered. The two boys were suspended for a week. Neteyam was grounded for 3 days and Ao'nung had his devices taken away for a few days as well. 

Lo'ak had just gotten the latest iPhone with his savings. Neteyam texted Tsireya after his suspension, asking for Lo'ak's new number. 


"hi teyam :>"

"do you have lo'ak's new number?"


"alr thank youu" 

Tsireya knew Lo'ak's new number well, very well.

"bro this your new number?"


"loak quit the games"

"lo'ak? the lightbulb looking dude in school? who tf is this"

"its me teyam?"



"its me aonung LMFAO"


"aww stay and talk to me for a while"
"im lonely </3"

"what do you want?"

"nothing :)"

"you irritate me"
"stop wasting my time"

"you love me"

"ew fuck off"

"if i was a waste of your time you would have stopped talking to me by now"
"but you're still talking to me rn"
"i have a gift for u tomorrow :D"

"what did you rip my books now?"



Neteyam closed his eyes and slept. It was still really early, but he wasn't in the mood to do anything right now. 

Morning came and Neteyam wasn't coming out of his room. "Ma'Teyam?" Neytiri, his mother knocked on his door. She opened the door and sat on his bed. She caressed his face, and he was burning hot. "Ma'Jake? Ma'Jake!" She called for her husband. "What is it?!" "He is sick. Hot." Jake nodded. "I'll call the school." Neytiri nodded back. 

"Ay I missed you guys!" Ao'nung approached Lo'ak and Kiri. "Where your guys' brother?" Ao'nung questioned as the siblings looked at each other. "He's sick, sick of you probably." Kiri said annoyed. "Damn okay."

Ao'nung approached Neteyam. "Hey! You miss me?" Neteyam shut his locker and turned to Ao'nung. "What do you want Ao'nung?" He crossed his arms. "Where've you been? I haven't seen you in class earlier." "Had my schedule changed, now if you don't mind." 

Their small talks continued day by day and Neteyam started to get used to it, but he was still annoyed. In time, Ao'nung shared the same spot of being the best in school with Neteyam, although Neteyam nor Ao'nung didn't want any competition so they sabotaged each other's work one by one. It was normal for the students and teachers by now.

"were u just typing to me"

Ao'nung questioned Neteyam through text.

"anw what do you need"

"notes from chemistry."

"in return forrrr?"

"fuck you"

"fuck you too damn"

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