01 Team Omega

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Sanjo City, Niigata, Mike Albright is a 13-year old kid who lives in the house neared Max's house, He lives with his two close friends Amanda Jacobsen (13) and Sophie O'Bannon (13).  Mike's parents were paleontologists from South Dakota, Now Jupiter the Pachyrhinosaurus woke Mike from the bed.

" Wake up kid." Jupiter the Pachyrhinosaurus said, " It's morning time."

" What time is it now?" Mike Albright asked. 

" It's 5: 30 AM." Jupiter the Pachyrhinosaurus said. " Time for breakfast."

" Oh right." Mike Albright said.

Later, Mike arrived in the dining table along with Sophie and Amanda where they est breakfast along with Jupiter the male mulberry purple Pachyrhinosaurus, Sue the female black Tyrannosaurus and Cory the female mint green Corythosaurus.

" These bacons and hotdogs are really good for me." Sue the Tyrannosaurus said.

" The vegetables are really delicious." Cory the Corythosaurus said. " Especially, broccoli."

" I love broccoli too." Jupiter the Pachyrhinosaurus said. " It gives me a lot of good energy and good health."

" Hey Sophie. Should you cook me a roasted chicken or ham for lunch." Sue the Tyrannosaurus asked.

" I'll try it later at lunch time." Sophie O'Bannon said.

" Sue is much more meat lover just like all T-Rexes." Amanda Jacobsen said.

Meanwhile, Dr. Z and Ed were playing stimulation games back in Zeta Point.


" You're the one who requested it." Ed said.

" THAT'S NOT WHAT I WANT?!!! I want more other species besides Tyrannosaurus." Dr. Z said.

" Other species besides Tyrannosaurus?" Ed asked.

" Of course other kinds of dinosaurs. Not just Tyrannosaurus only." Dr. Z said. " Because I want to be a dinosaur king, I mean the king of the dinosaurs."

" You have to be a dinosaur in order to become a king of the dinosaur." Ed said.

" Who exactly told you that Ed?" Dr. Z asked.

" Ursula said obviously." Ed said.

Then, Terry the giant sized T-Rex interrupted by destroying the video game stimulation as both Dr. Z and Ed ran off and screamed.

" Hey Ed, did you do something stupidity on Terry?!" Dr. Z asked.

" I didn't do anything on Terry." Ed said.

" Anyway, I will assembled you and the other two in order to collect all the dinosaurs that were scattered all over the world." Dr. Z said.

Meanwhile, back at Albright Residence, Mike and Team Omega were preparing for their new mission to search for mysterious dinosaur cards that were scattered all over the world.

" Sue, Cory and Jupiter were also ready." Amanda Jacobsen said.

" So, what is our next stop?" Sophie O'Bannon asked.

" Let's check out the entire area around Sanjo City." Mike Albright said.

Later, Mike and the Team Omega were already at the city until Terry the giant sized red tyrannosaurus showed up and roared.

" Red T-Rex! Run!" Mike Albright said.

Mike and his team were running off as Terry chased them.

" Where this rogue tyrant lizard king came out of water?" Jupiter the Pachyrhinosaurus asked.

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