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Space heros

Yuko: do not talk to me, do not message me, do not come up to me, do not call me, do not say my name, do not shout my name, do not mention me, do not bug me, do not knock on my door, do not come into my dorm, leave me the fuck alone 😍

Xavier: woah, what happened are you okay???

Yuko: oh yeah I'm great.


Xavier: oh

[SYSTEM: Xavier has gotten offline]

Yuko: I hope he dies.

Mes soleil: do you wanna talk?

Yuko: no.

[SYSTEM: Yuko has left the group]

Divina: she kinda put a barrier up in our dorm so I'm not going to break it

Stoner: like a wall or sum?

Divina: no, a tarp or something 😔

Ma lune: Just leave her alone, do what she said it's not hard. She's most likely going through something and will talk about it when she's ready.

Bianca: Sense when did you care?...

Ma lune: jump off a fucking bridge./hj.

Bianca: oh!

[SYSTEM: Everyone has gotten offline]

Space heros

Divina: @Everyone

[SYSTEM: Ma lune, Xavier, Bianca, Mes soleil, Bee boy, Kent, and stoner have gotten online]

Ma lune: What


Xavier: hm?

Stoner: Grrrr🤬


Bianca: What's up love?

Kent: 🖐

Divina: to clarify, yoko gave me permission to tell you this stuff. I'm only gonna say this once, do not text her, call her or talk to her right now. She already asked you all not too and she said she still needs time so please don't bug her after I tell you guys.

Bianca: got it got it

Bee boy: okay! 🐝

Xavier: got it

Stoner: sir yes sir💪

Ma lune: Mhm

Mes soleil: If that's what she needs then okay!

Kent: okay

Divina: okay so, yesterday she found out that 1, people had been spreading rumors about her and then had began later pushing and shoving her around. She didn't wanna tolerate it so she went batshit on them, like she would with anyone. That got her in a bunch of trouble more trouble then she got in for chasing Ajax with her axe. 2, her parents are now coming to the school and she's extremely stressed about it. 3, someone once again broke her glasses. Plus some other things she didn't want me to say so I'll be leaving those details out. Basically, she apologizes for being a dick but she has a lot going on and refuses to be around anyone, talk to anyone, ect and all this is causing her to lash out easier.

Ma lune: Ah, so all together it's making her act out on her emotions instead of suppress any bad ones she normally would suppress. But also, because she normally would it makes it worse. Got it.

Bianca: I'm glad she opened up to you D, thank you for telling us

Bee boy: aww:( I hope she feels better soon! 🐝

Stoner: If she had been isolated for a week or more and got detention for a few weeks because she chased me with an axe (for reasonable cause) then I'm actually worried about how much trouble she got in this time, plus the trouble with her parents.

Mes soleil: That's really worrying, I really hope everything gets better for her soon. <3

Ma lune: Me too.

Kent: that's not cool, it was self defense! I hope she feels and gets better soon!!

Divina: I'll write these down on sticky notes and give them to her, okay?

Bee boy: YIPPIE!! 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝

Space heros

[SYSTEM: Yoko has been added to the GC]

[SYSTEM: 'Yoko' has been changed to 'Yuko']

Yuko: Hi

Mes soleil: HI YOKO❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Ma lune: Hi vampire 🖤

Bianca: Hiii💪

Xavier: Hello!

Stoner: welcome back:)

Bee boy: YIPPIE!! 🐝

Yuko: I apologize for earlier.

Divina: theres no need to apologize love, we all understand! ❤

Bianca: ^

Xavier: ^^
(Without the love part)

Bee boy: ^^^!!!!!!!! 🐝

Ma lune: ^

Mes soleil: ^^^^❤❤

Kent: ^^^^^❤!

Yuko: thank you❤


Yuko: it's just cause I'm funny like that🥱

Bianca: no ur a menace 😡!!

Yuko: DIE.

Ma lune: ^
(I'm glad you're back Yoko.🖤)


Bee boy: YIPPIE!!!??? 🐝

Stoner: he's been doing that all day. Even in person 😇🐝

Bee boy: EEEEE🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝

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