XV: pogues always come last

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Act One,  XV: pogues always come last

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Act One,  XV: pogues always come last


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Sometimes, Moe wonders in the privacy of her own head, how she is still capable of loving people so much when her mother only ever showed her apathy. If she were a grateful person generally, she would be grateful for this.

Maybe it's not fair, but she has always thought herself unworthy of her friends. Even when she was a little kid and John B and JJ first started paying attention to her in school. She remembers, even then, being confused why they wanted to be around her. It's a confusion that has followed her all these years later. When Pope joined them he was so awkward at first that she honestly thought they'd never have a full conversation— and she figured he wouldn't want to anyway. Then Kie made her way into to the group and Moe was so sure there was no way they'd ever become friends. It had filled her with dread for weeks. Kie was cool and her parents had money and she knew how to be friends with other girls and wasn't some standoffish loser whose only friends were idiot teenage boys. In the end it had been fine.

Still, Moe has never understood why they'd all bothered to look past her prickly exterior to find the girl underneath.

Moe considers herself lucky to have found these people who she cares about so deeply and who care about her the same. But it makes it so infinitely harder when terrible things happen to them and Moe has never had much experience really dealing with terrible things.

After the disaster that is summer outdoor movie night, they crash at Kiara's house for the night. With her mom and dad staying late at The Wreck they have free reign of the house until then — and alongside that, electricity. Something Moe, JJ and Pope have been without since Agatha hit.

The first thing Pope does is immediately go take a hot shower while Kie scavenges together some food for them, leaving JJ and Moe in the living room looking through Netflix for a movie that won't end in fire this time.

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