"where's merlin!"

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It had been 7 years since that day, yet every time Arthur thought about it his heart sank all the same, Arthur was now king and his kingdom had been at peace for all 7 years of Merlin's disappearance, Arthur missed him greatly, but for reasons that seemed obvious he couldn't let anyone know that, what would they think? There king in love with a sorcerer? Not just any sorcerer, but the same one that killed my father- wait...in love? Really? Am I in love with him?

Arthur's thought process was interrupted when sir Leon burst through the doors to the throne room,

"What is it Leon?" Arthur asked

"Sire, merlin has been spotted" Leon informed his king

"Where?! Where is he!?" Arthur asked desperately, if there was any way to bring merlin back to who he once was, he had to try,

"The lake of Avalon sire" Leon spoke again "east patrol found him there just sitting, when they surrounded him they asked of his intentions and all he said was he was waiting for you sire, he didn't even take his eyes of the water, it's as if he knew we were coming"

Arthur's eyes lit up at the thought that merlin was waiting for him, maybe he was ready to change, ready for forgiveness,

"Ready my horse, I leave immediately" Arthur stated rising from his throne and making his way to the armoury

"Your going alone sire?" Leon questioned rather astonished that the king would take such a risk as this "he's dangerous you know"

Arthur stopped and turn to face the knight, "No he isn't not really, I know him, the real him, he won't hurt me"

"With all due respect sire," Leon began "you don't know him, You knew the old him, the same one we all knew, but he is different now, he's changed, rage has consumed him, he's not the same."

Arthur stood in silence, thinking. Is there really no hope? Can he not be saved? No. I can't think like that, Merlin's the same, deep down he is, I know he is, I have to believe he is.

"I stand by what I said, prepare my horse" Arthur repeated and continued on the to armoury.

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