There Never Was A Gum Incident!

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OK so this one there a a few things different

Alya never stood up to Chloe on that first day so marinette and alya aren't friends. Because of that the gum incident never happened so marinette doesn't have a crush on Adrian although she does have a some feelings for Nathaniel but it's healthy. She has some photos of agreste on her wall for inspection but no other reason. When Chloe kicked her out of her seat marinette just went to the back and sat with Nathaniel since in this story she has social anxiety and doesn't want to be with someone she doesn't know. Since she is at the back now and Adrian is here Chloe leaves her alone for the majority of the time. Nino and alya never became a thing. Nino and Adrian are friends. Marinette is close friends with Nathaniel and Alex. She's aquatinted with the rest of the class, excluding Chloe. Adrian likes ladybug. Marinette is still ladybug. And this summary just became a whole lot longer than I intend it to be. Let's just start the story.

Marinette sat at the back of the class and hummed softly to her self with a warm smile on her face. The soft hum of a gentle melody fell from her mouth making the people sitting or talking around her subconsciously relax.

Her hand seemed to move on its own as she designed a dark grey denim jacket with cherry blossoms embroidered up the sleeve. She was looking forward to making it when she got home.She suddenly felt someone's presence looming over her and looked up to see Alya and Lie-la watching her draw making her feel extremely uncomfortable. 

Lie-la started a few months ago. Marinette and her friends always felt slightly uneasy around her so she avoided her more than she did with the rest of the class but still tried her best to be friendly. She didn't believe lié-la's lies but they weren't bothering her so she didn't see the point in calling her out.  

They just stood there like total creeps. They eventually backed off but that was only because Alex glared at them.

Suddenly Marinette's phone rang loudly drawing a whole lot of attention to herself. The poor girl quite became panicked because of all the attention she was getting from the rest of the class.In her panic marinette accidentally hit the speaker phone meaning the whole class could hear who was on the other end. Let's just say they were shocked.

"what's up my little rock and roll niece!" everyones mouth gapped. Seeing the phone was on speaker she quickly took it off and held it to her ear.

"Hey uncle Jagged how are you..." there was a pause.

"oh that's good I'm so happy for you! Do you want me to make the cake?" another dragged out pause. The class could hear loud enthusiastic muttering coming from the phone.

"you don't have to do that uncle jagged! It's my pleasure! Besides an invite to the wedding would be enough!" marinette said cheerfully. There was another pause when suddenly marinette blushed bright red. Nathaniel who was sitting close enough to hear what was actually being said blushed too. Alex who had also heard just smirked.

"I already told you we aren't like that!" marinette said blushing.

"yet" Alex added on causing them too blush even more.

There was some more muttering from the phone.

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