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"LET ME OUT!!!" My screams are only answered by shocks from my surroundings. Its so strange up here. The weapons they have are unbelievable let alone the technology.

They've put me in a dirty white straight jacket and tossed me into a room. Except it wasn't really a room. There was a wall where the door used to be  facing me and stairs immediately as you get in, but its a dead end.

I sit screaming and crying. It was all my fault!! What are they going to do to me?!?!!? After hearing what they did to torture my parents I don't want to know what they're going to do to me.

About an hour and a half passes and eventually one enters the room. Its really weird looking, its not like the stereotype alien, green with huge heads, it was pretty much like us, except it was translucent with tints of blue. Its face was utterly symmetric and deadest. They were also abnormally skinny and incredibly tall, about twice the size of the average male. And I don't think they had genders because they all looked and acted exactly the same...

It grabs me and pushes me out the room. We walk along the strange translucent hallways and it leads me to a small room, which I am forced into.

Before I have a chance to escape the door has merged with the wall again. Three more of them wait in the room and they pin my to the wall.

"Please stop!!! What are you doing???! Get off me!!! Let me go!!!!" But they shove a rag in my mouth so my words are turned to mush.

A tube with a sharp point appears near my face and in injected into my gums. I muffle a scream in pain and start to choke on the gag. Another is injected into my nostril and another in my left eye.

More are injected in the palm of my hand, my lower belly, behind my knees and on the soles of my feet.

A red liquid is presented to me in a thin glass. They remove the gag and try and make me drink it, but I refuse. One picks up what looks like a tazer and tazes me.

The liquid moves slowly and coldly down my body, but they're not finished yet, they tip me upside down and pour a liquid down my genitalia, I cant move or speak so I'm helpless against them.


I don't remember waking up or falling asleep but I find myself on the stairs again. What the hell did they do to me?

My body feels heavy to move and I'm extremely tired. But then I realize... I'm not ON the stairs... I'm above the stairs. I look down and see myself hovering about 5 inches above the stairs.

I look at my hands and see that my fingertips are beginning to turn translucent... Oh my god... What have they done to me?! Its like I'm becoming one of them... except they cant hover, at least not that I know...

My arms fall to my sides and I see that the ends of my straight jacket is burnt. I sit in awe for 10 minutes before standing up to where the door should be. I place my hands against the wall and a door appears.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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