"I won't let you do this!"

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"Merlin!" Arthur came busting into Merlin's chambers, waking the poor manservant from his slumber

"Arthur?...it's 2 o'clock in the morning" merlin groaned "we have no time for this merlin" Arthur said impatiently "get your lazy Butt up, now, it's important!"

"What could possibly be so important at 2AM??" Merlin questioned, getting up groggily.

"Your mother"

"What?" "My mother?" "What's she doing in Camelot?" Asked merlin.

"There was a sorcerer spotted outside the gates of Camelot, My farther he- he suspects your mother merlin..."

Merlin's eyes widened, everything clicked into place and before you know it, suddenly a not so tired merlin was sprinting out the door, followed closely by Arthur and Gaius.

When they arrived in the throne room, merlin could see his mother, kneeling on the ground, pleading, he looked up at Uther who was questioning her relentlessly.

"She did nothing wrong!" Yelled merlin, bursting into the room in attempt to rescue his mother, "do not speak out of turn boy! Just because she happens to be your mother dose not mean you get to ignore court rules!" Uther turned back to Hunnith "you have been found guilty of sorcery which is forbidden here in Camelot, you will be burned as a witch." Uther decreed, "light the fires"

"NO!" merlin cried, his voice full of rage and desperation, "I WONT LET YOU DO THIS!"

"I WILL NOT WARN YOU AGAIN BOY!" Uther yelled, ordering more guards to help restrain the struggling boy,   

"Father let him go, please he's just upset, surely you must understand that" Arthur tried to reason, "Uther gave the order and merlin was returned to Arthur's side, Arthur took a sobbing merlin under his arms and headed back to his chambers so he didn't have to watch"

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