making a Decision

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You wake up finding your self in the arms of a man. Blushing but you smile? You look up at his sleepy face
" He's so cute when he's sleeping "
Who new a demon lord could be so soft." You said out loud thinking he wouldn't hear. But then he opened his eyes and shifted to yours. you started blushing
"Sh-shit I didn't mean to wake you"

Well I wasn't expecting to be called cute when I wake up angel.

" I- i-m sorry"
He unwraps his arms from you and sits up. You do the same

So have y'a decided to stay???
You stay silent not trying to think about it.
" I mean we can go to the mall together and hang out in a arca-

" Beelzemon I have to get back with my friends. "
( I want to stay with him but I can't.)

" Maybe we can hang out?"

Yeah sure kiddo I'll take y'a back.
(Hopefully she doesn't leave me like them...)
He grabs your arm and storms over to the door and lets go of you.
He hands you a key and turn to him.
Looking at him. He sees you didn't leave so he looks down.

What are yous staring at???

" You "
This catches him of guard so he steps closer and put one arm on the door pinning you. You start heavily breathing. He notices and smiles.

" Move "


I said move angel.
You move over thinking you were a total pervert. You cover your face cause your blushing hard.
You see him walk out and sit on the motorcycle
" Hey red face get on " he shouts.

You walk out closing the door and sit on the front of the motorcycle.

Beelzemons pov

She walks over to me and sits on my motorcycle in the most sexiest way.


As he started the motorcycle I felt hands on my thighs.
"Pervert "
He smiles and we finally make it to a town. It's the same town you were in last.
You see your friends in the distance and they see you.
You see them run tords you and soon there right next to you.

Beelzemon: she's yours. she's annoying anyways.

Tai: oh well thanks?

Takato: I missed you so much.

You: where's renamon and rika.

Guilmon: she's very mean y/n.

Agumon: yea she tried to kill us.

Tai: basically we were in a different town and she randomly attacked us so we had to run.

Takato: yea we decided to wait hear for you cause we didn't wanna look anywhere else. Renamon and rika probably wouldn't expect us to be here.

You: guys I have something to tell you.

Guilmon,takato,tai,Agumon: what's up y/n.

You: I'm staying with beelzemon.

Tai: what you can't go he tried killing us all and he just brought you back your lucky to be alive.

You: I know but I feel safe around him and I have a weird gut feeling saying "stay with him y/n.

Your friends all sigh. Tai hugs you same with Agumon.

Tai: if this is what you want.
take care of her beelzemon.

Takato: nooo I'm going to miss youuuu.

Tai then drags him out of there and and walks away with Agumon and Guilmon.

Guilmon: bye bye y/n!

You wave and watch them walk off till you can't see them.
( I'm sure gonna miss them)
You feel your waist getting grabbed.

You ok ?

" Yes let's get going beelzemon.
Once you arrive at his house he cooks something. But you walk away and go into his room.
You get out a sketch pad that you found under his bed and a pencil.
( I wanna draw him.) ( With no shirt)
You start drowling and you hear someone yell.

You walk out and leave the sketch book on the bed face up not noticing.
You see he has made eggs and toast.
You eat it in the span of five minutes.

"Kiddo slow down.

Shut up bird face.
You instantly regret saying that as he looks like he wants to kill you.
You run to the bed and lock it.

you hear him bang on the door and you start to giggle.
He stops. And then the door opens.
He steps in and sees you on the bed.

" OH SHIT HOW??? "

" Oh baby Its called a picklock. "
You start blushing hard and see him walking tords you slowly.
He starts to slowly get on the bed.
He's fully on the bed and starts scotching tords you.
You think of something in your head to call him so he would get scared and go away.
Babe d-dont c-come closer I'm warning you.

" HEH???.?"

well you called me baby so.
( I think I made it worse shit )
He pins you to the bed.

" So why'd y'a wanna stay "

I wanna be with you beelzemon.

" Remember that "

| Don't worry it's not weird. till next time|

y/n x beelzemon Where stories live. Discover now