Episode Eight: Better The Devil You Woe

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Atticus Wheeler cautiously peered out from behind the frame of the door leading from the cellar, scanning both sides of the second-floor hallway as he securely brandished his service weapon in front of him. The group had quickly ascended the spiral stone steps, listening as the sound of gunfire from within Nevermore grew steadily louder as they departed their underground refuge. Wheeler motioned for everyone to follow him as Wednesday, Thing and Bianca emerged through the door, resurfacing once again to Nevermore's panicked hallways. Tyler was the last to exit the stone stairwell and step into the hallway as he followed behind the group silently, still under Bianca's siren song as he trailed along in a trancelike state.

"Explain to me again how you managed to let wolfgirl get snatched up from right under your nose?" Wheeler irritably asked as the group followed him down the halls.

"For the last time..." Wednesday hissed through gritted teeth, "Simon's twin brother has been working on the inside for Linnox and must have lured her away when he assumed Simon's identity."

"The same twin brother who was supposed to have been dead, right?" Wheeler replied sarcastically. "Look, your friend down there seems like a nice guy, but he fell for the oldest trick in the book. This is undercover ops 101; don't assume anybody is dead until you've ID'd the body on the autopsy table!"

"Apparently Simon missed that class." Wednesday retorted. "But at least Enid couldn't have gone far."

A group of terrified students suddenly came tearing around a corner ahead of Wheeler, running for their lives as they fled their dorms.

"FBI!" Wheeler shouted as the students stopped, turning towards Wheeler's direction as he lowered his weapon. "I'm here to help you guys, but you need to come this way, now! Follow this hallway and go down the stairs to the cellar. It's the only way out!"

The panicked students abided by Wheeler's commands as they turned and ran past Wednesday and the group. Everyone watched as they raced towards the doorway to the stone steps in pursuit of safety, as gunfire continued to echo through the halls.

"How many guys are we going up against here?" Bianca asked Wednesday, as everyone continued down the corridor.

"Two dozen at least." Wednesday replied. "And that's just the group who stormed the main doors with Linnox."

"So there could be even more?" Bianca asked, with concern growing in her voice.

"This isn't some two-bit operation from the county Sheriff's department." Wheeler exclaimed, methodically scanning the hall for any signs of danger as he continued to lead the pack. "What Linnox is trying to accomplish here is probably the biggest covert CIA project since MKUltra, so you can bet your collective asses that he's come prepared with enough guys to take us all out, five times over."

"And we're trying to stop them..." Bianca tentatively exclaimed. "Just the five of us?"

"You didn't sound too apprehensive about this back when I rescued you from the lab." Linnox replied.

"You made our odds sound a lot better back in the lab!" Bianca hissed.

"Hey, I'm not exactly thrilled about this either." Wheeler retorted, as he led the group towards a large concourse on Nevermore's second floor. "But we've got weapons stronger than all of Linnox's guns combined... We've got each of you."

Everyone approached a round atrium adorned with stone pillars and woodwork where four different hallways connected. They tentatively moved towards the center of the concourse, remaining on high alert as they methodically scanned the halls.

A hint of motion caught Wheeler's eye as he suddenly turned towards one of the pillars in the atrium, just as an armed government agent stepped out from the other side and aimed his automatic weapon at the team.

Wednesday Season Two: Better The Devil You Woe (A Wednesday Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin