Jeremiah 29:11- Chapter 1

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This is a tale of great adventure and mystery with a big representation of how God can move in our lives. Are you ready?

Verses are from the King James Version.

Chapter 1

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."- Jeremiah 29:11

May 10th 1872.

Karter Melanie Cobblestone was the new addition to the royal family that ruled over all of England. Her mother, Queen Kalanie and her father King Ben, along with her big brother Prince Jace.

As Karter moved around in her mothers arms getting used to them, as her mother held her not too tight, but not loose enough someone could take Karter out of her mothers arms; Kalanie liked it that way.
Queen Kalanie couldn't thank the Lord enough for her beautiful family.
"She is beautiful isn't she Ben''. She said looking at her husband.
  Ben looked up and shifted his eyes to the newborn baby in his wife's hands.
King Ben had been over the moon when he had learned that he was having another child, hoping and praying with all his being that it was a boy.
So when his wife had come screaming that she was in labor he was almost bursting at the seems with excitement, ready to meet his second son, but when the baby had finally been delivered all his "over the moon" happiness went out the window, when the deliverer told them it was a girl.

Though he didn't get a boy he would still be happy for his baby girl and wife as much as he could.
His wife pulled him out of his reverie as she sighed and cleared her throat "Ahem, honey", queen Kalanie knew he wasn't as excited as he had been when they found out she was pregnant, he wanted another boy and although she was sorry she could not give him that right now, she was so happy that God had give her a baby girl.
      "Oh, yes she's an exact replica of you my dear".
He said as he kissed her on the cheek.
       Bang the door screamed as 4 year old Jace came running in to see his mother and his brand new baby sister. Now Jace didn't mind having a baby sister.
So as he ran into the room over joyed to meet his baby sister he made all the effort to get in the bed next to his mother.

"Mamma, mamma let me see her". He said, trying to climb onto the bed beside Kalanie. "hold on little one", she says.
Looking to her husband for help, he puts Jace on the bed carefully next to his mother and the baby.
"I'm a big brother mamma, I don't have to play by myself". He said as he listed off all of the things he and his little sister would play when she was able, his father and mother chuckled.
"Now hold on, she is only a day old, give her until she has developed more".
His mother said, looking at him with sincere eyes. "O-okay momma, going to go play with toyths".
He said slurring his words and got off the bed running out the door into the hall with the guards.

May 6th 1889

In just four days Karter would be 17! She was so excited as she bounced up and down in her spot. She was to try on dresses for her ball; And to say that she wasn't excited was a lie.
Her mother had always taught her not to lie, but to tell the truth, because God always wanted us to tell the truth, so she tried her best to always tell the truth as she wanted to please the Lord, not disobey His commandments.

When she was trying on the most beautiful gown she had ever seen in her life, it was a fall brown with little sparkles lining up the sides and a ribbon that tied to the side it wasn't to big and it wasn't to small, it came with brown sheer gloves that fit her hands perfectly.
As she finished putting in the gloves her mother walked in, "Oh darling it's beautiful, oh you look elegant in that gown" her mother said.
Karter giggled, "I just wish it would hurry up and get here sooner, this ball will be a big helper to the orphanage and to as many homeless as we can help!"
Karter exclaimed as she was getting out of the dress.
She had chosen that one, like her mother said she thought it was gorgeous and elegant. "Yes I know Mel and we will", her mother said.
"When you are finished we need to talk about something with your father, we'll be in the dining hall", the queen added a serious tone. "Ok mother I'll be there". She said to her mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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