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Pope had sunken Topper's extremely expensive boat. Despite Harley's clear wariness, her usually law abiding friend did it anyway because JJ was there cheering him on.

The Pogues had also failed in the search of the gold. They had gone out in the choppy waters with their equipment and found nothing but the empty carcass of the Royal Merchant.

John B was convinced somebody had beaten them to the gold. They guessed they'd never know.

"Maybe the gold is somewhere else," Harleys words were laced with enticing hope as she spoke to John B. It was just them left driving the HMS pogue back to the Chateau. "We don't know know for a fact somebody else has found it."

"That's a pipe dream. I don't know if I have it in me anymore." John B muttered. His shoulders were sagged, all joy sucked dry. He was a hunched mass of depression. "It felt like we could do anything. Find the gold. But, it's all bullshit. There's no magical mystery. The magic gets cancer and dies."

Harley sighed feeling dejected. "That's very sad and morbid. The magic is still there, it's just under layers and layers of... depressive clouds. Heavy ones. But grey clouds always go away."

"I think this is one of those times where you're staring at things through rose tinted glasses, Harls."

Harley preferred the term optimistic.

"Home sweet home," Harley sang as they pulled up to the dock.

John B jumped out first and held a hand for Harley. They both shuffled along the wooden path and up the steps to their abode.

Upon entry Harley almost died on the spot and threw her rucksack at the smartly dressed woman on their couch.

John B hadn't noticed and picked up a box of cereal to munch on.


He turned and jumped at the sight of the lady.

"Hey you two."

Alarm bells, sirens, caterewhauls all went off in Harleys head. Their DCS officer was sat in their messy home without notice. Harley could only draw bad conclusions. They were going to split them apart, she knew it.

Her heart beat in her ears as she began to internally panic. Would she go away if Harley dropped to her knees and begged hard enough? What if she paid her off? Harley didn't have that much money, but maybe their case officer was easy.

Sensing his sister's fear, John B clasped onto her hand and pulled her beside him. They moved to the kitchen calmly to put as much space between them and the lady in a bland pant suit.

John B grumbled but carried on nonchalantly. "You know, Cheryl. It's kind of a bad time for a check in. Harley and I are extremely busy."

"Not a check in. We're here to take you."

"We humbly decline your offer. We're perfectly fine here. Thank you, though." Harley tried to smile.

Cheryl clasped her hands together and sat forward. "You know that isn't how this works Harley."

John B groaned. "No. Cheryl, look, we're not going into Foster care, okay? We're not going to be part of your little system."

"You'll be doing the other kids a favour. We'd be a waste of a spot to a family. We have one here."

Cheryl sighed deeply as though she had to make a hard decision. Harley didn't see why, the decision was easy, leave them alone.

"John B, Harley, this is Deputy Thomas."

A radio beeped behind the siblings. Harley jumped out of her skin and John B shot up from his seat at the table. The pair meandered into the centre of the room for safety.

CASTAWAY ⚓ R.C, J.MWhere stories live. Discover now