Her Demons

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"Has my dress arrived from Europe? I told u to fetch my heels, they just arrived from Paris! Damnit! Why do the flowers look so pale? Why is everything so messy! Goddamnit!" Jennie cursed. She was upset since her engagement is due tonight and everybody is doing their best to make everything look perfect but my Jennie, She wants it more than just perfect!

"U need to calm down abit lady Jane ... Everything shall be just fine. Please settle down for abit. U've got a long night tonight! " I reminded her just to get a frown from her, she's still as cute no matter her fierce cat-like eyes...

"Nobody seems to understand me! They don't do what I want them to do! FUCK! " She literally yelled, grabbing everyone's attention. She panicked.

"WHAT YA'LL STARING AT! BACK TO WORK NOW!" She ordered. I rubbed my temple. It's really hard to calm her demons when she's in this state. But I have to keep trying, it's my job by the way. I'm Lisa Manobal, Jane's personal bodyguard. It's nearly two months since I'm employed and it's a miracle I sustained it. Her mother said no one could stand this fierce cat longer than a week, most of them quit the job. But since my life was hard enough and I needed that cash, I had to bare with her. Tho I doubt that's the only reason, I naturally enjoy taking care of lady Jen

"U just don't understand how it feels Lisa! This day has to be special! I don't want to be a joke infront of my fiance!" She slumped on her cozy sofa as I brought her a glass of water. The guy is very lucky having a girl like Rubyjane.

"Everything will be perfectly fine. Just let them finish the work and u'll see, everything will look just like how u wanted. Trust me! " I assured her. She sighed heavily and drank all the water

"They're lucky u are here or I would've already fired them long time ago and hire better designers. I have a list of designers begging me to let them work for me even just for free, and these ones here are just playing with fire!"

I laughed at the statement. She looks serious but her face looks really cute when angry like that. It makes me wanna pinch those dumpling cheeks but I refrain myself to keep my job.

"What? U wanna loose ur job as well?" She scolded me just to zip my mouth. A notification rang in her phone just to see a smile forming on her cute lips

" Tell Irene to go fetch my dress... " She told me and I bowed before leaving. I did as she instructed and I was on my way back wen I heard her speaking to her fiance, all lovey-dovey. I just smiled seeing her gummy smile. I wish she smile like that forever! It really suit her

Later that evening:

Jennie was all lovely with her mermaid dress which hugged her curves perfectly and her makeup was on point. She really deserves to be a living mermaid with that perfect aura.

I wasn't that far from her when I started hearing murmurs from the mass. Their attention was now fully on the phone and some were even shaking their heads sympathetically. I quickly fished my phone from my coat and checked Instagram. No f*ckn way!

A naughty video of Hanbin had leaked all over Instagram where he was seen dry humping multiple girls in casino last night. My attention immediately turned to Jennie who is now happily climbing on the stage to seat beside that sinful Hanbin. But her smile immediately faded after noticing tension in the mass. Her eyes found mine and I quickly flashed a smile to calm her down. She was still worried.

The party almost begun when the screen displayed the same video. Somebody must be playing dirty to ruin the party tonight! I almost break into the displaying room when I saw Jennie leaving the stage quickly while crying. I had to catch up before loosing sight of her completely. I'm now worried sick!

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