Part 17

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'The Forest House is the residence where many generations of High Lords have lived ever since the creation of the Autumn Court. It is build into the ground and only its upper levels are visible above the ground.' Dead leaves crunched under Lucien and Elain's feet with every step they made. They'd been walking for almost ten minutes now, which wasn't much, but all the trees looked the same to Elain. It felt like they had merely been walking in a circle but Lucien knew where they were going. 'Underground...I think the stones themselves were carved. Must've taken up a lot of time. It's kind of a labyrinth down there. You could get easily lost if you don't know the way.'

'I heard from Feyre that the place is so big it takes all morning to go from one end to the other.'

'Yeah, that's why the main dining room is somewhere in the middle of the House. Mom's and Beron's chambers are in the northern side of the House. They have separate chambers. Our chambers are in a clockwise shape, with Eris chamber being closest to Beron's. There is a very beautiful yard right in the middle of the structure and...well you can see for yourself when you go there.'

Elain smiled, feeling ecstatic. With every breath she took of the cool air it felt more and more real that she was actually in another court, heading towards a residence full of new people, a sort of hostile family and only two familiar faces.

'Tease.' She tisked.

'Just a few more minutes Lady. We'll be there.' The rest of the journey was filled with small talk about the forest, the labyrinth-like stony underground of the Forest House, Lucien's adventures in attempt to run away from boring lessons, general descriptions of his brothers.

Elain knew Eris of course. Rex was the second-oldest, killed by Tamlin. He'd been the best looking among them, 'when he was alive of course', Lucien was quick to add. Isaiah, who was getting married, was the third brother. He was tall and build, with shoulder-long auburn hair, same color as their mother's. He had pale skin with upturned cold eyes, straight down-turned nose and the same face shape as Beron's. Samuel, the fourth brother, was tall and powerfully build. He commanded the Autumn armies and he'd been training in sword fight ever since he'd been old enough to wield one.

'Sounds a little scary. Sort of reminds me of Cassian but a tad more malicious. Or isn't he?'

'Oh he can best all of us in a duel and as for malicious, I'd say he's the sanest of them.'

'I'll keep that in mind. And the last one?'

'That would be Ember, the sixth one.' Maybe Elain lost track of counting when jumping from Samuel to Ember, but Lucien wasn't going to mention Ezra. The brother he'd killed. When telling Elain about his brothers he'd dreaded mentioning Ezra. He didn't want to tell his mate he'd killed someone.

He'd lived a long life, Elain would know something like that would've happened yet he didn't want to accept it blatantly. Him saying it would be different somehow.

'He's a living menace alright. Annoying...just plain evil. The only moment he might take a rest from his mischief is when he's in his study. Ember likes carving wood. He makes great things, tiny trinkets, ornaments. I hope he has the small courtesy to give you a little gift instead one of his ...remarks. Here we are.'

Elain took her eyes away from her mate's enchanting face and looked ahead of her. In front of them were trees, standing like a circle and in the middle was a large, stony complex. The gates were right in front of them and four sentries stood on each side. They had long red veils on their shoulders and one end of the veil was clasped on the front. Underneath the veils silver armors gleamed. Two of them separated from the rest and started walking towards the pair. Stopping just a meter away the sentries bowed.

'Seventh-born Lord Lucien and Lady Elain Cauldron-Made Seer it is our pleasure to welcome you into the Forest House. Our High Lord and Lady are waiting for you.'


Elain and Lucien walked into a grandiose court yard, tiled with all shades of red stones forming a mosaic of lethal flames. Surrounding the courtyard rose the house. The balconies were open to the yard with long columns holding the floor above them. Only two floors were apparent above ground. Vines twirled on the columns up to the balconies of the second floor making it look like the house was threaded together.

Four men stood tall in the middle of the court yard, draped in all shades of red and orange, in long coats with gleaming gold buttons, leather pants and boots. Eris stepped forward.

'Brother, welcome home.' He grabbed Lucien by his shoulders and gave him a little affectionate squeeze. Lucien's face showed nothing accept from the muscle pulsing on his jaw but Elain could feel what her mate felt with their bond now more alive than ever.

He didn't want to be here, facing his brothers. All Lucien wanted was to go somewhere alone and away from all of them, her included.

He knew, she realized, that she could access his feelings and it made him feel exposed. Vulnerable.

Trying to shut the bond away she turned to Lucien's sneering brothers. Samuel stood apart from them at first sight. He was taller than she'd imagined and broader. The one on Samuel's right, with the hair same color as Aurelia's was undoubtedly Isaiah. Which would leave the last brother, who was sneering more openly than the others was the trouble maker Ember.

Unashamed he winked at Elain when he caught her staring, earning an eye roll. Eris stepped away leaving Lucien in full view of the rest of the brothers. His face closed, Lucien betrayed no real emotion when he bowed slightly at the waist to his brothers. As the youngest he was supposed to pay respects first.

Electric currents filled the air as the brothers stared at each other with disdain. The atmosphere felt heavy, charged with the memories of the last time Lucien had been in these grounds. Ever so slowly Isaiah and Ember returned Lucien's greeting with a nod. Samuel gave him a little genuine smile as well.

'Brother, would you do the honor of introducing us to your mate?'

'She looks quite the beauty.' Ember snickered. Mustering up her best ice-cold Nesta smile, Elain smiled, baring her teeth to Ember, her eyes void of their usual warmth.

'Well of course I wouldn't expect you to notice anything past the appearance of someone. You haven't changed brother.' Lucien smiled too, but he looked more terrifying that she'd ever seen him. With the scar across his face and the metallic eye whirling and clinking Elain could finally see the Fae that had terrified her human sister. 'This is Elain, Cauldron-made Seer. A Fae purer than any of us. My mate.'

All three brothers except Eris gave Elain a little bow. She bowed back.

Upon raising her head she saw Ember right in front of her, taking her hand into his, bringing it towards his lips. Elain snatched her hand away before it could make contact with his lips.

'Pleasure to meet you too,' she smiled coldly at him.

Samuel and Isaiah who'd remained passive till now, snickered. 'As charming as you may be Ember, you're nothing for a mated woman.' Samuel quipped. 'You truly look enchanting...Elain. Though I believe we should start addressing each other as brother and sister now, no?'

If looks could kill, Lucien would've burned and buried his brothers ashes 10 meters underground, only for the way they were eyeing her up like she's the most magnificent thing they'd ever seen.

Which she probably was. Lucien felt his breath hitch every time he looked at her. And he certainly knew that it wasn't solely because of the mating bond. Elain was breathtaking. She had this glow around her, from the moment she'd emerged from the Cauldron.

Eris cleared his throat, seeking everyone's attention. 'Brother, Elain, mother and father await us inside in the dining room. I'm sure it must've been tiring to come here, so after a meal together you can retire in your old chambers. Let's go.'

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