Chapter 20

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I heard a holler, I ran out of the shop and looked around, looking for JJ,
I said" JJ! JJ Maybank?!"
Mr. Pope said" Sweetheart, it was just another kid down the road." I frowned, looking at him,
" Oh... Okay!" I tried to smile, but I couldn't, I really miss JJ...
" Why don't you go get you something from The Wreck? Here." He handed me some money,
" It's okay, Mr. Pope! I can go stack some cans!" I sniffled, and started walking into the shop,
Mrs. Pope said" Skye, sweetie, can you go get me a coke and a fry from The Wreck? We're so busy, I don't have the time." She handed me some money,
" Sure! I'll be right back!"

I ran into Kie's restaurant, I walked up to the counter, Mr. Kie seen me,
I said" Mrs. Pope asks for a coke and a fry, p-please." I put the money on the counter, smiling,
He said" Sure, Skye. You want anything?"
" I-I don't have any money, it's okay!"
" We're a little slow today, it'd save me from having to throw out a few extra shrimp."
" Okay!" I saw everyone looking at me, Mr. Kie noticed too,
" It'll be right up."

I ran into the shop,
I said" Mrs. Pope! I got your fries!" Then Mr. Pope stole the bag," Hey! Those are for Mrs. Pope."
He said" I'm her husband, she can share." I giggled, he opened the bag and grabbed one, biting it, I laughed as I saw Mrs. Pope behind him." She's behind me, ain't she?" I nodded," Here you go, honey." He handed him the bag,
She said" Mmhm. Thank you, sweetheart." I handed her the coke,
I said" And Mr. Kie had some shrimp left, so he gave those to me, but I could only eat five!"
" Oh, that's good."
" I saved the rest for you!"
" Thank you, sweetheart."
I was pushing a crate of shrimp, I stopped as I heard someone chuckle, I turned around and saw Mr. Pope.
He said" Hi, sweetheart, what're ya doing?"
I said" Helping." Mrs. Pope walked out of the shop,
She said" Ain't that sweet, Heyward?" He smiled, nodding,
He said" Alright, why don't you go play with the kids down the road?"
I said" Nah, I'd rather help!" I smiled,
Mrs. Pope said" Dinner's in two hours, you two." She walked away,
Mr. Pope said" How about you go stock the shop, huh? I just got some cheese whales in, won't notice if a couple boxes go missing." He smiled as I grinned, and ran into the shop, I ran to the cheese whales. I put two down by me and started putting the rest on the shelf, I stared at the boxes.

I laughed as JJ lifted me up over his shoulder,
Pope said" Can you like... not carry your newly 4 year old sister like a sack of potatoes, dude?"
JJ said" I don't drop Skye." He shook me around,
I laughed" No, JJ! Bad JJ!"
" I'm always bad."
John B said" Ha! You wish. How's it feeling being a year older, Mini JJ?" JJ kicked at him, he laughed and took me from him, swinging me onto his hip.
I said" Older!" All three of them laughed, I tilted my head," What's funny?"
Pope said" Nothing, nothing. Okay! So, in honor of your birthday, you get to pick one free thing from Heyward's."
" Anything?"
" Anyth-"
John B said" Hol-Hold on! No, it cannot be the decorations. That means no, you cannot have the swordfish." I huffed, he smiled,
" We know a four year old too well. Ah, or the life preserver, which is the round candy cane on the wall."
I said" That's not fair!" They laughed,
JJ said" Anything that is food, whatever you want." John B put me down,
Mrs. Pope said" It's her birthday? Why didn't you tell me, I'd have made her something."
Pope said" Oops..."
JJ said" It's alright, Mrs. Heyward, we didn't need the trouble." I started looking around, I smiled at a box with a whale on it.
I said" This!" I grabbed it and held it up to them,
" Cheese whales? Really?" I nodded my head," I'll just buy you those, Munchie. They're only a couple dollars." I shook my head,
" Free."
John B said" She picked, dude."
JJ said" Okay, she picked cheese whales, at least I know her."
I said" Cheese whale cake! Fire!"
Pope said" Ha ha, sparklers for you."
" Sparkles!" I clapped,
JJ whispered" Fire later... after Pope goes home." Pope hit him on the head," Ow.." I giggled, he smiled at me,
John B said" Throw Skye back in with the fishes?"
JJ said" Throw Skye!"
I said" No!" I laughed as he lifted me up and threw me, I grabbed onto John B as he caught me.
John B said" Bad JJ and John B?"
" Very bad!"
" Oops." I laughed as he tickled me,
" Cheese whales?"
" Sure."
JJ said" Fine, fine, but I am definitely buying you some sort of candy for a sub for a cake."

Mr. Pope said" Skye, sweetheart, you okay?" I looked at him, blinking a couple times,
I said" Yeah, Mr. Pope! I'm okay!" I gave him a thumbs up,
" Alright, keep stacking, remember the whale goes in the front." I nodded, smiling as I helped, I love helping!

I was staring out into the water,
John B said" Earth to JJ, earth to-"
I said" Yeah?"
" You good, dude?" I nodded,
Kie said" You sure?"
I said" This is the longest... I have ever been away from Skye."
Cleo said" Skye?"
Pope said" His baby sister. She's four, she's amazing."
I said" She won't be so amazing when she kicks our asses, dude."
" Oh, the beat down will be horrible."
John B said" Honestly, definitely."
I said" Yeah, Poguelandia is amazing, but it's definitely missing the princess."
Sarah said" Queen, remember." I laughed,
" Yeah, queen. Ain't that right, peasant?"
John B said" Ha ha, funny."
Kie said" We're queens." She and Sarah high fived,
Pope said" I'm a knight in her eyes, so I'm okay with it." John B laughed sarcastically, I smiled,
I said" She's probably heartbroken, I hope she's safe."
" Dude, JJ, you know my parents would never let anything happen to her. She's probably bossing pops around right now." We all laughed,
Kie said" Yeah, or helping him clean the shop."
John B, Kie, Pope and I said" She loves helping." We laughed,
I said" She's so weird, guys. She's a four year old, who loves helping, anything that can help, she'll do it in a heartbeat."

We watched the sun go down,
I said" Night, Skye, don't let the JJ bugs bite."

So, how's everyone feeling about Skye? And how was season 3?

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