12. morgan

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"I'm not talking about college" I say.

I stare up at him as he stares right back at me. I feel my heart racing as he tries to find the right words to describe how he's feeling. He grabs my head and pulls me in.

"Hello? I need to use the bathroom."

Matthew pulls away and we both look at the door at the same time. He looks back at me, his face full of shock. My heart speeds up faster than it ever has. I squeeze his hand quickly and let go before opening the door.

"What took you so long?" Hailey asks.

She was out of it.

"Hailey! Are you feeling okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine I just-" She says before running to the toilet and throwing up.

I hold her hair back for her and pat her back lightly. I look at Matthew and give him a nod, saying he doesn't have to stay.

"I'll just wait outside." He says.

When Hailey's done, she sits by the toilet, mascara running.

"Too many drinks?" I ask.

"Too many." She replies.

"It's okay, I'm here with you."

"Thanks, Morgan."

We sit in silence for a good minute before another knock on the door.

"Is she good?" Matthew asks.

"Yeah." I reply.

He sits down with us and he goes by the sink.

"Why were you guys hiding out in the bathroom?" She asks.

"Just needed to get away from the party for a bit." He says immediately after, looking at me.

I look back at him and smile.

"I'm ready to go back to the party, you weirdos can hide out in here if you like." She says.

"Okay, we'll be waiting here if you need us." I say.

When she leaves, Matthew smirks at me.

"Whatttt?" I say.

"No, nothing. Just the fact that you weren't talking about colleges." He teases.

"Okay maybe you should get back to the party too." I say, laughing.

We leave the bathroom and we go to the living room. The place we were once watching a show together is now packed with people. We stick together and I recognize a few people from my school.

"Morgan Irvine." I hear someone say from behind me.

I turn around and see my partner from a biology project this year. Jackson Presley.

"Oh, hi Jackson." I reply.

"Can I get you a drink?" He asks.

"No that's okay, I don't drink." I reply.

"Oh come on, one drink?"

"No, no, it's fine."

"Let me get you one."

I sigh, realizing he's not going to stop asking.

"Okay." I say.

Matthew gives me a look and I shrug, as in "what was I supposed to do?"

Jackson comes back with a cup of I don't know what. I sniff it and shut my eyes at how strong it is.

"Morgan, do you want to go upstairs?" He asks.

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