Seek on drugs

353 11 31

Yes thats catnip in the picture

Figure - petting Seek

Seek - purrs

Player - hey Seek!

Seek - what?

Player - wait seek was you just purring

Seek - noo..

Player - nvm that but do you want catnip?

Seek - why you asking

Player - well you can morph into a cat and stuff

Seek - so?

Player - I wanted to see if cat nip affected you

Seek - busy

Player - no your not

Seek - yes I am

Player - you are literal getting petted by figure 

Seek - yes and I am busy

Player - Hey figure what happens when Seek gets catnip

Figure - *Puts seek down* I aint dealing with that

Player - gives seek catnip

Seek - walks off 

Player - I guess nothing happens 

Figure - Stay still

Player - why 

Figure - If we make any movement or loud noise they will get us

Player - who are they?

Seek - comes back with an army of baby eyes cats

Figure - thats them

Player - dang thats a lot of babies

Seek - sits down

Bloody - attack!!

All the baby eyes cats - runs and attacks player

Figure - and thats why seek doesn't get catnip 

Player - ded

Seek - good job children

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