Bios/Characters + A/n

811 8 8

(A/n: Not gonna start updating it just yet but will start soon.)

First Name: Y/n

Last Name: ???

Gender: Male (A/n: YOU ARE A TRAP!)

Age: 16

Hight: 140.208 cm (Freedom: 4.6 feet)


Personality: Childish, airheaded, energetic, loyal, sometimes (surprisingly) smart

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Personality: Childish, airheaded, energetic, loyal, sometimes (surprisingly) smart.

Likes: Candy, Yu, playing around, messing with magnets, Duel monsters, just moving.

Dislikes: Cheating, people messing with Yu.

Duel Disk:

(You have the octagonal version

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(You have the octagonal version.)


You have a magnet deck.

You have a magnet deck

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Ace Monster:

Ace Monster:

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Y/n was from an orphanage but has no memories of his life before.

He starts wandering the world meeting Yu along the way causing her to join finding their way to a tournament known as the True Kings Tournament where they are now participating in.


Best Friend:

First Name: Yu

Last Name: Ravel

Gender: Female (A/n: Reverse trap.)

Age: 16

Hight: 176.784 cm (Freedom: 5.8 feet)


Personality: Calm, cool, collected, serious, calculating

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Personality: Calm, cool, collected, serious, calculating.

Likes: Traps (not the person kind), duel monsters, reading, resting, maybe sometimes Y/n.

Dislikes: Cheating, people messing with Y/n, people who messes up her plans, Harpies' feather duster >:(.

Duel Disk:

(octagonal version

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(octagonal version.)


Trap deck (focuses around traps and trap monsters with no overall architype.)

Ace Monster:

Ace Monster:

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(A/n: I won't start writing this story yet because I'm a bit busy right now but I will update in the future.

This story will have a different story than the actual yugioh stories but will have some of the characters (some may or may not be gender bent).

Btw the magnet warrior architype really need more support T_T its my main deck in real life and I love it but it has like 15 cards or something and its pretty bad. #justiceformagnets!)

(393 Words)

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