Chapter 21

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1 month later

"Girl, you were doing fucking E getting drunk all the time!" Millie smacked my arm, "How are you this far along and honestly didn't know?"

"I don't know dude! You don't have to make me feel worse," My face was hurt as we walked towards our cars. It was the day we were supposed to find out the gender. But, Millie insisted on keeping it a secret and throwing a gender reveal party.

"Dude, just tell me," Judah insisted again.

"No, stop asking," Millie replied for the 8th time. Judah came with us, they didn't want to let everyone in the room so Millie made us promise to have the technician write the gender on a paper and hand it to Millie in the waiting room. So, me and Judah were both in the dark. She kept saying that he would tell me or something.

I was starting to show much more now. I was 18 weeks, you could barely see the bump unless I was wearing a crop top or tight clothes. Everyone keeps saying I'm lucky and probably won't get stretch marks because my belly wasn't getting very big. On the bright side, I didn't have morning sickness anymore. Everything had been going well, except for the fact that Judah was acting like I was a fragile flower. I hadn't been able to really do anything for myself, if it involved anything that put a toll on your body(no matter how small) it was constantly 'Let me get that for you babe.' It was pissing off my independent side. But part of me was also grateful to have support, I would probably need that help down the line anyway.

"Dude, I won't tell her! Just like flash me the paper or something," Judah got closer to her, "I swear! I won't say shit."

"Not happening," She was blunt. I smiled at them both as we got to the cars. We parked in the back of the parking lot to make sure we parked next to each other. I drove over with Judah and Millie came in her car.

"Just give it up, we'll find out next month," I tried to comfort him, "It's not even a whole month!" Millie was planning on doing the gender reveal after I told my parents. Yeah, they still don't know. I was going to wait until they got back from India, but they decided to take a couple extra weeks. So, instead, I decided to just wait until we were in Hawaii. What better gender reveal party than on a beach in Hawaii? I mean, they wouldn't even need to be told at that point, they could just look at me. I'm sure I'll be really showing in a bikini a few weeks from now.

I opened the car door and started my car, trying to let it cool down. Judah groaned, "This isn't fair. I'm supposed to be her best friend, who do you think you are, Millie?"

She laughed, "You got replaced."

I laughed, "No, you got promoted."

He frowned, "More like demoted in this situation."

I shook my head smiling, "You will live, I swear."

"Alright drama king, I gotta run. I love you guys! I'm excited! Planning mode has been activated!" Millie was shouting at us as she got into her car.

I laughed at her enthusiasm and got into my car. Judah sat in the passenger seat, "You sure you don't want me to drive?"

"Shut up, I'm fine," I rolled my eyes. He'd been acting like I needed help with everything. It was kind of annoying. He wouldn't even get rough with me in bed anymore, it sucked. I mean, the sex was good, it just wasn't crazy. He turned into some over-caring and cautious baby-protector.

"Fine! I'm just making sure," He leaned back, "So did Holden reply?"

Holden was one of the potential baby daddies. That was another thing we did today, I had the DNA test done on the baby. Corbin had replied and was interested in seeing if he was their dad. So, we did the test today. A few days from now we should get the results. But Holden hasn't even seen the message I sent weeks ago. I think he deleted his Tinder account, and I had no other way to contact him.

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