fate's design

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'Billy!' Roxy whispered, leaning forward  in the car to get a better look. His eyes were bloodshot but focused, both hands in a white knuckle grip on the steering wheel, revving the engine menacingly. But he wasn't focused on them - following his gaze, Roxy saw Nancy, Jonathan, Max, and the rest of the kids. Nancy aimed her pistol at Billy. 'Steve...' Roxy started, not wanting to see how this was about to play out. 

Nancy opened fire, shooting at the Camaro. Roxy's heart leapt, feeling the stakes get immeasurably higher. 

Steve began to lift his foot slowly off the accelerator, not wanting to hurt anyone in the fray. That was, until. Billy slammed the Camaro into gear, hammering toward Nancy, who was holding her ground. 

'Steve, go! You have to hit him.' Roxy yelled, petering off toward the end, not thinking about what she was saying until she said it. But there seemed to be no other way. With Roxy's go ahead, he steeled the Cadillac toward where the two cars would meet. Though it only occurred in a few seconds, it felt as if it was all happening in slow motion. Nancy's bullets tore through the windshield of Billy's car, and Roxy winced, hoping Billy was alright. But the car continued to speed on, and so did Steve. Just before a deadly collision, Nancy dived out of the way, nearly a second too late. 

But, the Camaro was suddenly T-Boned by Steve, spinning Billy's car away from them. Before the Cadillac could come to a full stop, Roxy jumped out and raced toward the burning car her now-unconscious brother was in. She heard Steve calling out for her, but she ignored it, as she ignored Nancy and Jonathan calling out to her too. Reaching the car, she did her best to avoid breathing in too much smoke while flinging the door open and dragging Billy out. She knew she had to get out, and drive away with everyone, but she wasn't leaving her brother's body in a car soon engulfed in flames. 

A snarling from above caught her, and everyone's, attention - Roxy looked up to the roof, seeing the Mind Flayer emerge. Her skin crawled, and the urge to escape kicked in. She ungracefully shoved Billy's body behind a podium, leaning him up against it, before sprinting back to her friends, screaming at her to get in the wagon. Everyone was already inside except for Steve, waiting for her. He jogged to grab her hand, pulling her into the car urgently.

'Go, go!' Steve shouted. Less than a second after they fell into the backseat, the car sped off, away from the Mind Flayer. Unfortunately, it gave chase, seemingly hunting them down. 

'Jesus. Thought you said you wouldn't scare me like that.' Steve said to her, breathless, partly joking. She playfully slapped him lightly on the arm. She remained sitting in front of him, her back resting on his chest. 'He'll be okay. You did the right thing.' He tried to reassure her, and it was the truth. He figured she did do the right thing, getting him out of the car that he hit. He only hoped she wouldn't hold it against him. 

'I know. So did you.' She said quietly. He rested his cheek on her temple, eyes shut. Roxy looked over to Max, and they both looked relieved to see each other. They shared a smile, but before they could say anything, Robin's radio crackled to life.

'Dusty-bun, do you copy?' 

'I copy, Suzie-poo. It sounds much better now, thanks' They heard Dustin say in response to a voice they didn't recognize. 

'Suzie.' Steve and Robin said, looking at each other in surprise upon figuring that Dustin's hotter-than-Phoebe-Cates-girlfriend, was, in fact, very real. 

'Okay, so listen, do you know Planck's constant?' Dustin asked. Roxy mouthed a What the hell? to Max, wondering why that's the piece of information they'd need to know right now. 

'Do you know the Earth orbits the sun?' They heard Suzie reply. 

'Okay, so I know it starts with two sixes, and then a... what is it?' Dustin asked, clearly not trying to sound too urgent. 

'Okay, let me just be clear on this,I haven't heard from you in a week,and now you want a mathematicalequation that you should know soyou can... save the world?' Suzie questioned him, almost judgingly. 

'Suzie-poo, I promise, I will make it up to you as soon as possible.' Roxy visibly cringed at the pet-name, again. 

'You can make it up to me now.'

'Seriously, what the hell is going on?' Steve whispered to Roxy, who shrugged, clearly confused. 

Roxy turned to look out the back of the Wagon, lost in thought, not hearing what was coming through the radio. The Mind Flayer pressed on after them, and Roxy felt as though she may have already lost. How were they going to make it out of this one? She had never seem any threat of that size, practically immune to guns, and inter-dimensional, too. And there she was, Roxanne Hargrove, barely holding herself together. 

She snapped back into focus, hearing Dustin and Suzie... singing?

Look at what you see.

 In her face,The mirror of your dreams. 

Make believe I'm everywhere 

Given in the light. 

Written on the pages is 

The answer to 

A never-ending story. 

Reach the stars, 

Fly a fantasy. 

Dream a dream, 

And what you see will be.

 Rhymes that keep their secrets will 

Unfold behind the clouds. 

And there upon a rainbow is

 The answer to a never-ending story. 

Everyone in the wagon shared a baffled look, not quite sure if they really were hearing what they thought they were hearing. 

'Planck's constant is six point six, two six zero, zero zero four.' 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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