Ch. 2 | Entrance arc | Time For The Initiation Exam!

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A/n: sorry for a late upload. IRL stuff going on and my dad's surgery is coming up. Uploads will be a little slower until things improve more. Sorry for the inconvenience.


It's now the next day, with the sun up high in the sky. We then see into beacon academy, more specificity, its locker rooms where many candidates are getting ready for the exam. We then see has 2 people, a boy and a girl, walk by Ruby and Yang, as the pair to get ready for this initiation exam.

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Ruby: notices the pair, "mm, wonder what has those 2 so worked up about?"

Yang: "meh, who knows? By the way, you seem awfully chipper this morning."

Ruby: "you bet! No more awkward talking or chitchat, no more 'getting to know you' stuff. Today I finally get to let my sweetheart do aaaaall the talking." She then strokes Crescent Rose as she rubs her cheek on it.

Yang: chuckles a bit, "well remember ruby, you're not the only one going through this initiation exam

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Yang: chuckles a bit, "well remember ruby, you're not the only one going through this initiation exam. So if you wanna grow not only as a person but as a huntress, then you're gonna have to meet new people and learn how to work with others."

Ruby: rolls her eyes and sighs in frustration, "geez, you sound like dad." puts her weapon into her locker, "first off, what does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly, i don't need other people to help me grow up. I drink plenty of milk!" puffs up her chest.

Yang: she then sighs and places her hands on her hips, "but what happens if we end up forming teams?"

Ruby: now shes getting nervous, "um, I don't know. I was hoping I'd be on your team..... or something."

Yang: brings her hair around her shoulder and begins to stroke it, "maybe you should try and..... be on someone else's team?"

Ruby: "my dear older sister Yang. Are you implying you dont wish to be on my team?"

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