iiii - Lessons not for the kind of mind

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These 'lessons' were not for the weak of mind or pure of soul. What I learnt in that place would make most sick to their stomach.

But not me. Malum's had well and truly destroyed any pure morals that I once possessed.

"Don't be afraid to look them in the eyes as they s-scream from pain. You did this-s to them, make sure they know how intentional it was-s." I didn't understand Asmodeus, he often spoke in nonsense riddles, leaving me to take a gander at what the hell he could possibly mean. That's not to say that I didn't learn, no I did. Just spells and lessons what only leave me with one....career path to pursue. The dark arts.

Of course, I wanted to be great, to be known. But I was now 12 years old and being trained to become the first Dark lady.

"That Riddle boy and Grindelwald will be n-nothing compared to you my dear. For they are long dead, and you are just beginning your life. I will help you, and all I ask in return is a favour. That my debt will be paid." His smooth, quiet voice hissed a warning.

I turned away from him, letting my eyes rest on a strange dark flower. It's petals black, and void of life. What does he need a dead plant for?

Turning back towards him, I noticed that he was looking at me for confirmation that the 'debt' will be paid.

"I swear your debt will be paid Asmodeus. Please, can we get to the lesson." Still 4 years later, he sent chills down my spine.

"I am pleased to hear that little bird. Now, I have a book on necromancy that you will have read and memorised before our next lesson. It will give you a b-better understanding on life and death I-I believe." Suddenly his eyes filled with black. And his beloved shadows began reaching out to me. Slowly I started walking backwards. Was this another one of his lessons?

"G-g-go...leave me at once!" He managed to spit out.

So I did the logical thing that anyone in my situation would. I ran. Towards the wall, just barely managing to shout suflet nemuritor. The oh so beautiful door appeared and I yanked it open and went through hastily, shutting it firmly behind me, the shadows that were chasing me, cut off.

I took a step forward before turning around once more, and I noticed that the once beautiful door was no longer so, beautiful. In its place a dull rusted arch took place.

Tearing my eyes away, I quickly walked down the cobblestone hallway, and into the courtyard.

If it could be called that. Like most things at Malum's, the courtyard was grey and dull. Except for the pair of eyes that one could always feel on the back of your head. Following your every move. Daring you to step out of line.

I spotted Mina hunched over sitting by a sea of weeds. Her once vibrant auburn hair, now a rather boring copper. She peered up at me and grinned.

"Why hello Medea, I do hope your lesson went well." She was seemingly amused by her own sentence and let out a small chuckle.

"Do you like my new cuffs. They aren't so rusted this time. I feel oh so.....free." She looked up at the grey clouds looming over us.

"Hmm it's such a pretty day. I believe its raised everyone's spirit from deathly to miserable. We should really celebrate such days as this more often." I said back, sarcasm dripping my tongue. Matching her tone perfectly.

"Sir seemed to be in good spirits today."

"Ah yes, I noticed that the vampire girl lost her fangs this morning. Perhaps that was the reason." She returned.

I laughed at this. I had truly turned Mina into her name's sake. Sarpe. The snake who lived in the dungeon. But she was made to be this. That will always be her flaw. I can build her just as easily as I can break her.

I sat in the probably poisonous weeds and leaned on her shoulder.

Whispering into her ear I asked, "Have you turned lately." All signs of wit and humour left her face, as she hissed back at me, "Yes, twice. This morning and in the height of night." We don't talk about the inevitable. Her biggest fear is the day that she will never turn back.

I haven't informed her that I am parseltongue of course.


[A/N: Hi Guys, this is probably my longest chapter yet, which is honestly sad lol. I will try to make this the new normal, and once again thankyou so much for reading, and if you have enjoyed this so far please press the star 🫶]

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