Chapter 12: Blue

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Make it last forever
Come on baby won't you hold on to me, hold on to me
You and I together
Come on baby won't you hold on to me, hold on to me
~Beyoncé "Blue"

6 Months Later...

My belly was a whole lot bigger. Last week, I found out I was having a baby boy. I was really hoping for a girl, but I was still excited.

Lisah and I were going baby shopping today since Devin had 'business' to tend to.

Devin and I was waiting on Lisah to come get me. He still doesn't want me to be home alone. I called Lisah.

"Don't even start, I'm down the street." Lisah said and then hung up.

I waddled outside with Devin as Lisah pulled up the driveway. Devin helped me in the car.

"Hey Devin" Lisah smiled.

"Wassup Lisah? Take care of my baby, ight?" Devin said pecking my lips before going back in the house.

"Will do." Lisah replied before pulling out and driving.

"Well, you two must be doing well."

I blushed too hard. "Yeah."

Lisah laughed.

"What's so funny?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Cause I haven't seen you this happy in a long ass time. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks Lisah."

"Have they found Monte yet?"

I groaned. "No, I don't know why it's taking so long. Especially since he is well known."

Lisah shook her head. "You hungry?"

"Hell yeah."

She pulled into McDonald's and went through the drive-thru.

"Can I get a McSpicy and a sweet tea? What you want D?"

"Can I get a Big Mac combo with a large fry, sweet tea, and a Oreo Mcflurry?"

Lisah shook her head as they gave us the total. She pulled up to the window and I handed her my card. She gave it to the cashier.

"In sorry ma'am, but your card has been declined."

"What? Try it again."

The cashier swiped again. The look on his face told me it didn't work.

"Shit. I don't have any cash."

"I got it." Lisah said, handing the cashier her card.

The cashier gave it back and Lisah pulled up to the next window for our food. She drove down the street to the park.

"I can't believe he cancelled my card." I finally stated.

"I can. If y'all not together, why would he?"

"I'm broke."

"That's your fault. You let him control you Brandee. You may not have thought about it then, but now it's pretty obvious."

I sighed and started eating. After we finished eating, we went to Babies R' Us.

"Lisah, you know I'm broke."
"It's okay, I'll pay for my nephew's crib and a few outfits."

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