Dog facts!

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1. Dogs have 18 muscles to move their ears.
2. A dog's nose is its fingerprint.
3. Small dogs can hear sounds in higher ranges than big dogs.
4. Dogs mark their territory with glands in their paws.
5. Male dogs lift their leg when they pee as a sign of dominance.
6. Dogs do not feel guilt.
7. Dogs can be right-pawed or left-pawed.
8. Your dog is as smart as a two-year-old child.
9. Whiskers help dogs see in the dark.
10.The Labrador Retriever has been on the AKC's top 10 most popular breeds list for 30 consecutive years—longer than any other breed. This is what a Labrador Retriever looks like 👇

 This is what a Labrador Retriever looks like 👇

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11.Dogs can smell your feelings.
12. all dogs dream, but puppies and senior dogs dream more frequently than adult dogs.
13. A dog's sense of smell is legendary, but did you know that his nose has as many as 300 million receptors? In comparison, a human nose has about 5 million.
14. Dogs' noses can sense heat/thermal radiation, which explains why blind or deaf dogs can still hunt
15. Only one breed that was among the five most popular breeds in 1934— the Beagle — still remains in the top five today.
16. The name Collie means "black." (Collies once tended black-faced sheep.)
17. Yawning is contagious—even for dogs. Research shows that the sound of a human yawn can trigger one from your dog. And it's four times as likely to happen when it's the yawn of a person he knows.
18. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is the only breed named for a fictional person—a character in the novel Guy Mannering, by Sir Walter Scott. This is what a Dandie Dinmont Terrier looks like 👇

 This is what a Dandie Dinmont Terrier looks like 👇

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19. Dogs curl up in a ball when sleeping to protect their organs—a hold over from their days in the wild, when they were vulnerable to predator attacks.
20. The Basenji is not technically "barkless," as many people think. They can yodel.
This is what a Basenji look likes👇

This is what a Basenji look likes👇

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