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The roof suddenly cracked and in the blink of eyes it fell down.

Zhan's whole world became stiff when he saw the part of roof fall on top of Yibo and many more who was standing there, Yibo who was going to look up and then...


Zhan's eyes widen Flowers fell down from his hand he shouted running in full speed towards Yibo who now was collapsed in floor, roof was on top of him "YIBO!!"

Zhan's whole breath was out of control, he was breathing heavily while running his chest was going up and down, whole Airport was in Chaos now, some was running, some was shouting, some was yelling, some was running to help the collapsed people, some was calling for help.

Whereas Zhan was now in front of where the Yibo collapsed, he quickly started taking out cements from top of Yibo, then finally Yibo's bloody hand came into view, Zhan gulped hard as he again immediately started to take off cements again, his hands was shaking when Yibo's head came in view which the blood was dripping

Zhan took a deep breath and started to take off the cement from Yibo and finally pulled him out, Zhan shook Yibo a little and called him "Y-yibo...yibo" He whispered, but there was no response from the other

Zhan then put his ear to Yibo's heart to hear his heart beat, which he was little satisfied that Yibo was still breathing but very slowly and little, Zhan quickly carried Yibo on his arms and run from there in Zhan's car, putting Yibo in passenger seat after quickly getting himself on driver seat

Zhan was sweating very much, time to time glancing at Yibo and he hold his hands tightly, "Y-you'll be okay, d-don't worry nothing will happen to you.. I won't let anything happen to you..I'm not loosing hope and neither let you to" Zhan was murmuring continually while driving

They arrived at Hospital, Zhan again carried Yibo in his arms and started running inside

"Doctor! Nurse! Doctor!" Zhan shouted as some nurse came to him running and saw Yibo, they quickly get the strecher and called the Doctor immediately

"No time to waste, fast get ready to do the operation, get him in O.P theater" Doc said as he looked at Yibo's condition which was very bad and then to Nurse who immediately Nodded

Zhan was looking at Yibo's figure which Nurses was taking into O. P theater, tears welled up in his eyes, Zhan's whole body was shaking in fear, seeing doctor's reaction towards Yibo he became more insecure

He collapsed on bench as he put his hands on his hair gripping it tight

"D-don't loose hope Zhan don't, he said that he'll stay with you for lifetime and also promised that we'll die together when we grow old" He whispered to himself as his knees where shaking unstoppable

Just then his phone vibrated in his pocket, he was not in a state to look at who called him nor in a state to talk, he ignored the call just thinking about Yibo

Again Zhan's phone rang and with shaking hands he took the phone out and watch who called him, it was Cheng his brother, he answered the call and stayed silent not able to speak anything

"Zhan? What took you so long to pick up the call!, By the way have you found Yibo?.." Cheng questioned him

But Zhan couldn't bring himself to answer

".... Hey? Zhan? Hello?" Cheng said confused

"H-hello" He slightly whispered which was of course heard by Cheng

"Zhan? Are you fine?" Cheng asked now calmly

Zhan didn't uttered anything which made Cheng worried as he again asked, "Have you got Yibo?"

".... Y-yes" Zhan's voice cracked saying this, which made Cheng to worry more

Other side

"Cheng! Cheng!" Shouted Xiao Lu (Xiao brother's big sister)

"Yes sister?" Cheng said while still on call with Zhan

"Have you heard the news? It was saying the roof fell down in airport! Please call Zhan! Fast!" Lu said breathing heavily because of running from downstairs

Cheng's breath hitched as he quickly shouted asking Zhan, "Zhan hello? Are you hearing me? Where are you!?"

"....... Hospital" Zhan said after a long silent, which made Cheng to widen his eyes as he quickly asked him, "What happened!?"

Zhan stayed silent with shaking hands

"Zhan! Which hospital asnwer me!!"

Cheng quickly cut the call after hearing the name of hospital from Zhan as he said every family members as they all started running to hospital by car

Other side

Zhan was sitting there shaking his knees, he was trying hard not to cry, if he cry he would loose hope, he bite his lower lip trying not to cry

"Zhan!" Shouted Mrs. Xiao running towards him with horror eyes, behind her was his Father, brother and sister with same looks

"Zhan! What happened?" Said Mrs. Xiao taking His hand

"Ah-zhan please answer" said Lu caressing his cheeks

"... Y-yibo.." Zhan mumbled


So hope you guys enjoyed this, Please do help me grow more my lovies! I'll try to publish more parts as soon as possible!

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