Chaper 1: The Move

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Richard was walking home from school, he stopped when he usually would, and he made sure to look out for any weirdo creatures, Gravity Falls wasn't the safest place to live after the events of Weirdmageddon, the few extra creatures Bill had created still existed, and weren't banished "Mornin' Susan!" He waved to Lazy Susan as he walked past, she waved back and smiled, Richard managed to make it to Maxwells old home "man, I wish he was still here... I guess it's better that he moved though, his adventurous spirit was always getting him hurt and injured." Richard smiles and walks next door, to his own home, he went inside, placed his backpack by the door and went to his room, he flopped onto the bed and caressed his cat "aww! Shmore you are just the cutest critter!" Shmore was a mostly orange calico cat, and although rare, was also a boy, he had a small chunk out of his ear, and a little pink nose, one of his front fangs was a little bit crooked. He meowed and purred, brushing himself against Richards hand, thanks to Richards cyborg forearm, he was able to utilize both a soft and sharp surface for 'ultimate scritches' for his little Shmore

"Rick!!" His mother called from downstairs "Rick, get down here!! We have great news!" Richard gets up off his bed and runs downstairs, usually when mom said 'good news', she meant it, so it's safe to say he was excited, when he got downstairs his mom and dad were waiting on the couch, his dad was on his laptop "hey mom! Dad!" He sat down on the chair across from them "what's the news?" His dad turns his laptop around, revealing that they had gotten a house in LA "oh that's cool! Are we going on a business trip?" Mom looked at dad, she seemed slightly worried "uh... no, we're moving..." Richard stares at her blankly, like it's a joke "really? Mom?" She nods, Richard's face lights up, he runs upstairs and stays there for about 20 minutes, meanwhile mom is worried that they've upset him, he runs back down and is fully packed and ready to leave "I'm ready!!" Mom and dad smile at his over-preparedness "we aren't leaving until tomorrow, we expected you to not be entirely on board, I mean, Gravity Falls is your home, I guess we just thought you'd be a little more upset." Richard looks down a bit, he sits on the couch and pets Shmore again "I'm obviously sad, but it's been my dream to move to LA! It's the home of Disney Animation Studios! I've been wanting to get a job there forever!" Mom looks a little surprised while dad snickers "well, I guess if you have your life prepared it's hard to be sad, eh?" This causes mom to burst into laughter, both Richard and his dad are completely confused by this, but Brush it off "anyway, Rick, just go to sleep if you're so excited, we can leave first thing tomorrow morning." Richard gets up and goes back to his room, he tries to lay down and go to sleep but he can't, he's just to excited, then he realized that it would be a good idea to get a souvenir from his favorite place in Gravity Falls


A few miles from Richards home...

"The Mystery Shack!" He exclaims as he runs in "hey Wendy!" He walks into the gift shop "bye Wendy!" Wendy lifts her hand lazily and mutters "aye..." before she goes back to reading her comic, Richard grabs a small Mystery Shack brand satchel "perfect! I can use this to hold my new journal!" He grabs an empty hardcover book, it's blue with a white pine tree symbol pasted on it "Imma need it! I'm out of pages in my old one!" Wendy looks up from her comic "look, I don't need to know about your diary-"

"journal" Richard corrects

"Right, but anyway, the satchel and book?" Wendy sits up and scans the items "yup!" Richard gives her a $20 "I know that it's less than this, just keep the change, I'm to excited to wait for change!" Wendy shrugs and gives him the items, he bolts home and immediately starts his first entry; 'Entry 1: Moving to LA!! Tomorrow, my family sets out for Los Angeles! I'm so excited! I've always wanted to go to LA! Home of my future workplace! Oh I'm so excited! I have to nickname you something... Jo? No, seems... well...? Yeah! Jo! That's your name now! Or maybe Nell? Oh! Oh! How about: Jo-Nell! Like Journal! But not, Haha!' He puts it in his satchel and hangs it on his bed railing, He gets up and slips over his pen, the one he dropped while putting his journal away, he grunts as he lands on the floor "ugh... I'm way to clumsy to be living in a place of monsters anyway..." he extends his arm and places the pen in the satchel "maybe I can kidnap a gnome or something..." he looks out the window and into the woods behind his house "nah, to risky..." he turns around, he looks at his picture of him Dipper and Mabel "well... maybe... heheheheh..."

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