Chapter Two: Smooth as crunchie penut butter

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"Me? I'm Ricky, Ricky Dillon." He said flashing a smile before grabbing my wrist. "Let me show you something beautiful." He said before he started running, pulling me behind him.

Billie's POV:

"Where are we going?" I asked as he continued to run up another flight of stairs. "A place that I found and besides my friends, have never showed anyone." He said as he stopped in front of a door. "So you, are quite lucky." he said with a wink. "This place, is where you get the best view over the whole school." he said as he opened the door and beckoned me to go up. As I got to the top I saw that there where already people there. "Billie, these guys are my friends. Some of them are in our class and some are just randoms." He said as some laughed and some waved at me. A girl came running up to me and engulfed me in a hug. I don't think she knows what personal space is...
"Hi my name is Jenn. Your Billie right?" She asked as she flipped her blonde hair out of her eyes. I nodded slightly as her smile grew on her face. "Awesome!" She said energetically "your my room mate! How awesome is that!" She said as Ricky came back over. "Jenn, honey, just because you are trying out for the cheerleading team, doesn't mean that you have to be energetic 24/7" "Well so-rry if I wanna get in!" She said as she walked away laughing. "Sorry about her. She can be a handful sometimes." he said as he lead me over to where everyone was sitting. "So what did you want to show me that was so beautiful you made me do exercise?" I asked him as a couple of the other people started to laugh as Ricky stated the reason that he brought me up here was because he wanted to make sure that I actually knew some people and that there is nothing that he actually wanted to show me (except for their secret hideout that only they know about) and that, now that I am officially part of the 'secret rooftop jumpers' (because that's a legit name for people who only go onto one rooftop and don't actually jump from roof to roof) I have to go through 'orientation'.

This is where they all screwed up.

"Okay so all of us had to do this when we made this committee. And I apologise now for what is about to happen." Ricky said flashing me a grin. I want to go and reply before a huge bucket of ice and water was dumped on my head, followed by flour and an egg cracked on the top of my head.

I stood there in shock not knowing what to do, it wasn't until I wiped the mixture from my eyes that everyone started to laugh. I walked up to one of the guys, connor I think his name was, and stood in front of him smiling. "I will destroy you all." I said before hugging him, and anyone else that hadn't et gotten as far away as possible, until most of the mixture on me had spread to my new group of friends.

"Well thanks for that." Connor said once I had rubbed the goo over everyone. "That was the best reaction we have had so far." he said as he tried to wipe it off his arms. "Thank you, I do try" I said laughing "Okay but I need to wash this off before it gets permanently stuck in my hair. Can someone direct me to my dorm please?" I asked to anyone in particular. "Yea I'll take you, Jenn did you unpack or is your stuff still in the suitcase?" Ricky asked the, hopefully, soon to be cheerleader. "I haven't touched anything. But I'll be down soon." she said from the railing overlooking the school oval. "Okay cool. See you there." He replied back as we started to leave "Why did you ask her that?" I asked Ricky. "Oh she is sharing the dorm with you. Did you get your bags sent to your dorm?" He asked "as far as I know yes." I replied "awesome. I'll let you have a shower then I will help you unpack." He said as we approached what I expect was my door. "I'll just be across the hall, that's my dorm." he said flashing a smile. "Okay. Thank you, I'll see you soon." I said as opened the unlocked door and took a key off the hook inside. I closed the door and looked at the dorm I will be staying in. On the right wall there where the two beds, with two little chest of draws separating them and a giant cork board over the top of the bed heads. In front of my there was two doors leading to a small veranda with a table and chairs. on the left there was a blank wall and a door leading to the bathroom. I grab my suitcase from next to the door and open it up, grabbing a pair of shorts and a short cut tank top. I quickly turn on the shower and wash out the gunk from my hair and my body. I get out and wrap my hair up and dry my body. I quickly get dressed and in wrap my damp long hair that reaches down to my waist. I walk out and throw the towel on the bed before going across the hall to find Ricky.

We spend a few hours unpacking and sorting things out, but most of the time talking about everything, his past and my past. "Wait so your original parents are french" "yes" I say as we sat on my bed, backs on the wall. "then they put you up for adoption, then your adoptive parents adopted you, and moved back to India. Than your grandmas shop burnt down leaving you all poor. Then you and your sister had to go into prostitution just to make sure that your family had food to eat?" He retold, shocked on the information. "Yea. We all relied on our grandmas business and after that went under we were left with nothing except for the clothes on our backs." I said remembering the terrible times I went through. "But, how do you come here?" he asked. "About two years ago we got a 'sponsor' that payed for food, a basic education and supplies. Then they said they will send one child to go overseas to an actual school, to then after they have finished all of their education they would go back to teach for a few years." I explained. "And your that child." "yep. I'm that child." I said with a smile. "but you can't tell anyone please. I don't want it spreading around everywhere." I pleaded "No I won't. But where are your parents now? And how many siblings do you have?" He asked. "They are in a rehabilitation center in India. And my parents have three other children, they are all their blood children. Two boys one who is 22 and the other who is about 8 months. And a daughter who is 12. I'm apparently meant to have a blood brother but I have never heard of him and I don't even know his name." I say disappointingly. "Do you know who is sponsoring you?" He asks, intrigued by the conversation. "No. Apparently they live near here, that why they sent me here." "Wow" he replies. There was a small silence before Jenn came bounding through the room, still with some goo in her hair. "oh sorry did I interrupt something?" She said as she stumbled in "No!" Ricky and I said at the same time. "Smooth guys. Smooth. I hope your done with whatever your talking about because I'm here and I'm gonna shower." She said before disappearing into the bathroom. "That was as smooth as crunchy peanut butter!" Ricky said as we both started laughing hysterically.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2015 ⏰

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