September 6th, 1993

41 5 16

𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒩𝒾𝓃𝑒

3:08 a.m.

Iris moved her eyes from the clock and back to the ceiling.

Two hours.

The teen had awoken two hours ago, after approximately three hours of sleep. And as each minute went on, her eyes would stray from the ceiling and to the digital clock sat on Sally-Ann's nightstand.

Sally-Ann complained about it constantly. Unfortunately, magic and technology don't always get along, so the girl has to reset the clock every night in order to keep it on track.

She was an odd girl, well all of them were really.

They were close as could be, the three of them together most of the day.

It was natural, of course, being as nearly everyone else shammed them. Valeria and Tracey were half-bloods, while Sally-Ann was muggle-born and proud. The other room of Slytherin girls from their year were all pureblood, and they lived up to the stereotypes. Well, besides for Jane Yaxley, but she was complicated.

And the shame from outside of Slytherin came from a place of fear. Valeria could come off as cold and distant, serious. She fit the energy of a Slytherin. Sally-Ann had friends from other houses before, but then school rivalries stuck, and she was outcasted. She apparently took no shit, developed a rather sharp tongue, and was cast as a Slytherin in personality. Tracey's mother was a Bulstrode, a notable family in the English community of pureblood. Her mother was disowned and thrown out for marrying a muggle, of course, but the family ties were still written in blood. Tracey was deemed a Slytherin in name.

Energy, personality, name. They were missing something; Iris was sure of that, but despite that...

The three of them somehow were the most Slytherin trio the house had to offer.

It's hard to see at first, but it showed over time.

In how Valeria fit the role of ambitious, constantly on top of school work, tutoring during lunch, on track of being a prefect, and very dedicated to her cultural club. Her goal, to be an ambassador for the Ministry of Magic.

In how Sally-Ann was a perfect example of a loyal and growing leader. She cared for her friends and kept them on track. She often reminded Valeria to put aside the books, relax, and enjoy some of her time. She often snapped back at those who made remarks at Tracey's reserved behavior but still pushed her friend to leave her shell.

And also in how Tracey, most surprisingly, turned out to be quite resourceful. No one ever had a problem Tracey couldn't solve. She could stitch up a pair of jeans with or without magic. She kept her money in check down to the sickles. She made spare change in selling secrets to other... always fear what the quiet kid knows.

Of course, the girls weren't perfect. Valeria often forgot about her health, Sally-Ann was temperamental, and Tracey lacked confidence. But they were still growing.


Iris's eyes fell to the clock once more.


Huffing, she gave up.

Leaving the bed, she silently walked over to her wardrobe, pulling out a hoodie to cover her tank top. She then carried her eyes over the dark floor, spotting her sneakers beside the door. Shoes on her feet Iris had moved to open the door when she suddenly turned back around.

Returning to the bed, she put her attention on the nightstand. Opening the top drawer, Iris reached in, took the two necklaces she always wore, and then left the room.

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