Chapter 2

26 2 1

After my shift at Starbucks I need to get some cards for my cousins birthday which is next week. However after 4 hours of serving drinks you begin to want some coffee of your own.

"Hey Sean, can I get a iced caramel macciato please?" I ask the tall, blonde man taking over my shift.

"Sure that will be £3.80 but you probably already knew that" he replies grinning.

I hand I've the change and go over to the crowd of waiting customers. After 2-3 minutes my name is called and I collect my macciato. Sipping away I walk out of the shop.

As I step out into the cold, crisp air of early Winter, my phone buzzes in my pocket. Its from Max, I scoff in disgust. Last time we seen each other was about 5 months ago and we broke up after being with each other for 2 years. We were moving into a new apartment at the time. I was away at Dans house for the new year, Max said he couldn't come because his mother in Sheffield wanted him to come over for New Year. I was supposed to be back on Thursday but I came back on Monday instead because Dan and I fell out. When I entered house I went to the living room to sit down after my long trip and I found Max's lips pressed against another woman (her name was Yvonne). Since then we haven't talked and I'm not planning on anytime soon. However too curious for my own good I check the message to see.

'hey babes x'

'Go away Max!'

'whats wrong hunny?'

'Oh I don't know maybe the fact that you were cheating me!'

'you mean Yvonne, shes nothing compared to you'

'Max leave me alone you broke my heart and your attempt of glueing it back together is not working'

I quickly block his number. All the memories of everything he done, how cruel he was, how he gained my trust and shattered it. How he made me feel like I was loved, special, unique. But I suppose I'm not. I'm just something he picked up. How I thought we would be together forever.

Then I realise I'm crying. Big, fat tears are rolling down my face. I don't like people to see me cry.

Strangers shove past me, not giving a toss about the girl with red puffy cheeks, crying her heart out. But then again why should they, to them I am nothing just a nobody.

Finally I arrive at the card shop and find my way through my blurry eyes to the Birthday aisle. Scanning through the 20's until I find 27. There's only a few choices. So I just pick the one coloured purple as I can't see any detail because of my crying.

"Hey are you okay?" asks a voice from behind me.

"Uh yeah" I sniffle out.

"You sure, it just that I heard you sobbing was wonde... wait is that you Becky?" the voice asks.

Quickly I whip around and look at the mysterious voice from behind me.

"Dan!" I scream leaping into a hug from my big brother.

"Hey Becs, how are you, wait stupid question, what's wrong? Dan asks still hugging me.

"It's just I was thinking about Max."

"Don't think about that worthless piece of shit!"

An old lady standing behind Dan starts to tut whilst looking up at him. I can't help but giggle.

Dan smiles at me and pulls me into another hug. He's such a good brother and I love him.

"Look why don't you come over to Phil and I's apartment?" Dan asks pulling out of the hug.

"I would really love to but Ellie's expecting me home in soon."

"Well how about staying over tonight at my house, I'll order pizza and we can watch some movies. It'll be fun, come on!" Dan says.

"Oh I don't know...maybe.." I say trying to come up with an excuse.

"Rebecca we haven't had proper quality time in months, please we used to be so close and I miss having a sister around."

"Okay, I'll come round at 7 if that's okay?"

" Yes that's fine, I look forward to it , what are
you doing here anyway?" Dan asks.

"Buying Rachel a card for her 27th birthday"


"I should get going, the ladies at the checkout are probably wondering if I'm going to actually buy something or not" I saying waving at Dan as I walk away.

"How long have you been with him?" asks the lady as I slip the card into the counter.

I blush brightly, were Dan and I really that close. I mean we've been together for all of my life but not in that manner.

"Oh he's my brother" now it's the checkout lady's turn to blush.

Once the lady's scanned it, I slip it into my handbag and walk out of the shop. Then I sip the last of my macciato and drop it into the public bin.


At home I begin to get ready for my movie night with Dan. I'm not really wanting to go for certain reasons but he's my brother and I've not seen him in a while and if I'm being honest I do miss him.

I wear an old long sleeved top with the words 'Marvel' printed in bold. For my bottom half I have a pair of ripped jeans and red Asda smart price sneakers (they're good value for money).

"Becky," calls Ellie from downstairs,"Dinners ready!"

Shit! I didn't tell Ellie that I was going to Dans tonight. She will probably understand but I understand if she's a bit irritated that I hadn't told her before she make tea.

"Ellie I'm really sorry but I'm going over to Dan's house tonight! Couldn't you have Lara over to eat with you or something?" I compromise.

"Eh yeh sure,"she replies much quieter than before.

Quickly I whip my hair up into a messy bun and make my way downstairs. Ellie's in the kitchen pouring herself a can of Irn Bru.

"Do you think I could come?" asks Ellie.

I think Ellie has a bit of a crush on Dan. Last time she seen him, she spilt her tea all down herself because she was too busy staring at him. Ellie's a big fan of him, she has been for a few years now. She watches his videos and when I was looking through her photos for a picture of Ellie and I for an album I found a couple pictures of Dan. At first I thought it was a bit stalkerish but I suppose any average phangirl does.

"Ellie, I would love you too come but it's just that Dan and I are having some time together because we haven't in a while. I'm sure you understand."

"Yeh, yeh I know, well have fun I'll text Lara and see if she wants to come instead,"Ellie says sipping at her Irn Bru.

"Okay well it's half 6 now, I better get going," I say grabbing my car keys.

"Kay byee"

Before walking out the door I stop at the mirror and sort my bun. I dust my jeans and sigh deeply. I'm looking forward to going to Dan's and spending some quality time with my big brother but it's Phil I'm worried about.

Phil is very sweet and has amazing hair, thick dark hair. The sound of his laugh gives me shivers down my spine and the way his eyes light up when he's enjoying hisself. The way he is always so optimistic in every situation. So maybe I have a small crush on Phil but it's small, very small. But I do have a crush on him no matter what size.

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A/N I have not been active lately but I forgot my password for Watt pad. However I should be updating more frequently and also the chapters should be longer than what the last chapter was. xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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