Chapter 9

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to LizmetCSkateboxwood because she always leaves me such sweet comments and has been around since the beginning. :) To all my other lovely readers, hello!

Harry's POV

"But mate come on... you like him, why won't you just let that go?" Niall comments to me for what seemed like the thousandth time in an hour. He was adorably, painfully persistent.

I groan and push myself off the bed, walking into the tiny bathroom off my room to splash water on my face. Maybe that would help the insanity swimming through my head. I just couldn't think straight anymore.

"He laughed at me, Niall. Not like, a fucking chuckle or a giggle. He full on laughed at me. How am I supposed to just get over that? It took me a lot to admit how I feel towards him in the first fucking place," I half yell out the door, so he could hear me over the sound of water.

The cool liquid on my skin helps some, but my mind is still fogged with questions and I am really just tired of reliving the situation over and over. I towel dry my face and brace myself against the sink, trying to compose myself. Losing it in front of Niall was the last thing I wanted to do right now. We may finally be pretty close mates but I still had dignity, dammit.

It wasn't that I didn't want to make amends with Louis... I was just afraid. He was a god among mortals. Okay, maybe that sounded a bit crazy, but it was true... to my eyes. It was like he was embedded under my skin, my whole body now consumed by the small boy. It drove me wild and was addictive and frustrating all at once.

I could almost see Niall rolling his eyes as he replied, "But I know you wanna fix things with that sassy little nurse. And I want you to fix things with him, just 'coz then I can say I was right. Because I am always right. Now get your sexy arse back out here stop hiding in the toilet."

I had to give it to him... he was right. I just didn't know if I was ready to face Louis again. I had been a bit harsh when he tried to explain but I just had felt too overwhelmed.

I walk back into the small room and thump Niall on the head as he smirks at me. "You are a complete bugger Niall. I don't know why I'm friends with you sometimes."

He shrugs as if he doesn't even think twice about it, "Because I'm awesome."

Later on that day, I was beginning to feel rather ill thinking about trying to talk to Louis about all this. Why would he want anything to do with me, really?

He was all eyelashes and golden skin and bright eyes. He was gentle and soft... unwavering with kindness and an understanding friendly nature. I was awkward and clumsy. I said 'uhh' too much and my hands were calloused and rough.

I was contemplating jumping off the roof, or maybe just choking myself to death on the apple I had stashed under my pillow when Louis poked his head in my door.

"Hi Harry... sorry to interrupt I'm- I just... I was thinking about you earlier. You alright?" He asks very cautiously. His eyes are soft and he looks almost terrified that I would yell at him again.

It takes all my strength to reply without my voice shaking, since he had taken me by surprise by just popping in. "Y- yes, I'm fine thanks. Bit cold but I'm just being too lazy to put a sweater on... nothing fatal," I try to offer a genuine smile.

I just feel bad, he really is so beautiful.

I could see his eyes light up the tiniest bit behind all that deep blue, and I curse myself for not trying to make him happy every second of every day. I am pathetic, and I don't deserve him. But that doesn't mean I don't want him for my own selfish desires.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2013 ⏰

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