Chapter One

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Dedicated to Steph. She is amazing! And she makes the best covers and banner (as you can see). Also, her stories are awesome so go check them out (;

Chapter One -

Id won the fight. I was done. For now.

I put my hands down on my hard desk and laid my head down, ignoring the world around me, ignoring the emotions pouring into me from my classmates. I needed sleep and I needed it badly. I had fought and I had won. But at what cost to me?

It was hard to tell how I was feeling because of all the other emotions that were engulfing me, but after some pushing and pulling, I managed to mute most of the colourful feelings.

The weight of my own emotions crashed down on me as soon as I could focus on them, knocking the breath out of me instantly. A wave of emotions rolled through my thin body, shocking me beyond belief. If I had thought feeling other peoples emotions was bad, I could tell you, felling mine was torture. I would have given anything in that split second to turn back time and have my own feelings back buried deep inside. The crushing grief that I had been holding onto for so long roared to the surface, fierce and ready to control me. I gritted my teeth.  With a force that surprised even me, I pushed it all away. I had no time to deal with heartache and sorrow. I had to concentrate on what had happened.

Most of my energy was gone and I was weak.

That had never happened before. Not like this. The last time it happened I had felt feeble and powerless too, but my control had returned only seconds later. So far, it hadn't come back to me. Would it return this time? Yes? No? Maybe?

It had to.

What would happen if it didn't return? What would happen to me if I couldn't regain my strength to continue fighting my battles?

A vicious shudder rippled its way down my spine, making the rest of my body tremble violently. My hands shook underneath me, making the pounding in my head increase. A small, almost inaudible, groan of pain escaped from behind my lips before I had time to clamp them shut. Somebody in front of me called my name, but the voice got quieter and quieter until it drifted off completely, lost behind the hammering of my heartbeat in my ears.

I closed my thick lashes, heavy with exhaustion, and let the dimness of unconsciousness surround me. The swirling emotions slowly faded away as the veil of blackness took over completely.

The sun began to disappear and along with it went my mother's smile.

She loved the sun. She loved it almost as much as she loved me, her only child, her only daughter. Mum believed that the sun held all the secrets of the world. She believed that nothing bad could happen during the day. She always told me the sun held certain powers that not many people knew about.

It was times like that thought she was going crazy.

She wasn't crazy exactly, but sometimes she would fall into a trance. A trance that I was certain I was meant to wake her from.

When she fell into them, her eyes would go blank and her face would be wiped clean of all emotion. Sometimes her brows would furrow or slant downwards into an ugly grimace that made her young, beautiful face contort into something dark and threatening. It was times like those that I would feel fear. Not just the type of fear that made your heart rate quicken the slightest bit, but the fear that would scar you for life. The type of fear that would send a shiver through your body, would make your hands tremble, your knees weak.

The type of fear that forced images into your brain and locked them there so you could never erase them, never forget them.

The type of fear that gave you nightmares.

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