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EJ's pov

I'm honestly not surprised by Claire's accusation but I probably shouldn't let her know that. Luciano's a bully and an asshole. He gets off on degrading others and throwing his brute strength around. I have no doubt he intends on hurting my sister. Too bad she's too shortsighted or stupid to see it. I'm just not sure at this point which assessment is more accurate.

"Did you hear what I said, Uncle EJ? How come you're not saying anything?" the brat questioned annoyingly, like a pesky house-fly that just keeps buzzing around your ear.

"Yes, I heard you!" I snapped. "Your ear-splitting, shrill shriek could pierce through Kevlar." I shook my finger in my ear for effect, as I squinted my eyes. "Like whiny nails on a squeaky-ass chalkboard," I clarified. Gotta keep a sense of normalcy, afterall.

"Well, then aren't you gonna say anything?" My niece looked at me like I was a moron.

"Did you ask your aunt about what you saw?"

"Yeah, but she just brushed me off, making up some ridiculous story."

Hmmm, interesting that Claire was astute enough to recognize her aunt's bullshit. I mean normally it's as subtle as being hit with a ton of bricks but it still usually goes right over the clueless dolt's head. Maybe there's hope for her yet. Nah, that's unlikely.

"Tell me exactly what she said."

"She said they were just arm-wrestling and she was annoyed cuz she lost."

I couldn't stifle the chortle that passed my lips. Arm-wrestling? Really Sis? That's the best you could come up with? I mean even a nitwit like our niece could see right through that paper thin alibi.

"See? You don't believe her story either. Do you, Uncle EJ?"

Ugghh, time to put my responsible guardian hat back on and do my due diligence to get my wayward niece back on track.

"What goes on between your aunt and her..." I paused to clear the bile from the back of my throat. "...husband, is none of your concern. Didn't you learn your lesson about eavesdropping the last time you were caught?" I questioned sternly.

"But I wasn't eavesdropping, Uncle EJ, and I know what I saw. He was..."

"Zip it, brat!" I barked, cutting her off. The less she knows about her aunt and uncle's relationship and me and my brother's plans for the dirtbag, the better. She's safer being kept in the dark in this situation. Well all situations actually, since she's so dense and intelligence-challenged. Honestly, the girl is a danger to herself, thanks to her idiocy.

"But, Uncle EJ!" she protested, in that fire engine siren, cringy, whiny tone she's so fond of inflicting on my delicate ears. Delicate in a manly, ruggedly handsome, urban chic kind of way. I really am built akin to a Greek god. Hmmm, such a fine specimen for the ladies.

"Helloooo," she called out, snapping her fingers in my face as she tried to get my attention. "Earth to Uncle EJ."

Slapping her hand away, I growled, "Knock it off, twerp, unless you want to find yourself face down over my knee studying the patterns in the floorboards."

"But don't you care about Aunt Lexie, Uncle EJ?" Tony's little pest persisted. Buzz, buzz, buzz. Here comes the pesky fly again.

"Look, I'm not going to tell you again to mind your own business, brat." I held my hand up to silence her impending objection. "If your aunt wants my help in dealing with her Neanderthal of a spouse, she'll come to me and ask, but until that happens, I'm going to stay out of it." I lifted her off my bed and slapped her on the bum. "And if you know what's good for you, you will do the same." I kept hold of her arm so I could punctuate my argument a couple more times upon her backside before shooing her off.

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