Starting Anew.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Garten of Banban. (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Hope you enjoy.)

You would think at first that the creatures in this place weren't capable of emotion. Anything other than bloodlust and hatred, they began to think that these mascots, these beasts were nothing more than monsters lurking in the darkness. The prime example had been the pink bird chasing them for an egg. Yes, a stupid egg that they had inadvertently taken to solve one of the many puzzles to get to their current location. They were injured, but alive.

My leg. Ow. I can't walk properly. Stupid elevator thingy. But it was my only way of escape from the bird. Opila, I think it's name was?

Steadying themselves on their good limb, the human looked at the destruction caused by the giant green beast. The fucker had appeared moments before tearing the shaft to the ground, possibly hoping to kill the intruder. Joke's on him, they were alive and somewhat well. Trapped under his own result of that idiotic plan, the big hands clawed at the ground, his ever smile shrinking into a frustrated sneer. Hmm, so these things were able to show emotion after all.

Karma, asshole.

They watched without a single ounce of sympathy. The fear they had felt for the mascot faded at the sight of him trying to make his way out like a rabid animal. More than content to leave him to his demise, they decided to take the path ahead, hoping that the drone remote would be found for later use. Propping themselves against they, they made it five steps ahead when-


They froze, their head snapping in the direction of the green thing. He was still trapped under the debris, staring at the only source of help with a desperate in his eyes. His huge hands were stretched in an obvious manner of wanting to be pulled out of the shaft's pile of parts. Memories of their time at the Garten of Banban replayed in their mind. They were more than horrible, no, the children and adults were equally despicable. They had only come to find their lost sibling. Courtesy of their mother, they figured out how to unlock any secure thing with an easy technique.

"We are not friends."

Even with that, the human made their way over (with some trouble thanks to their leg), and used their good knee to support their body whilst grabbing the green thing's hands. Don't get them wrong, they were batshit terrified, but alas, they maintained the human emotion known as empathy.


The around eight or nine feet tall beast was lighter than they anticipated. Peering into his eyes, they saw no malicious intent, which only solidified their rookie mistake. Helping the very thing that tried to kill them.


They slowed mid-progress, only a bit from pulling the green beast from the debris.

"Please shut up, mate. You brought this on yourself."

It only tilited its head.


They rolled their eyes, giving up on the prospect of stopping the thing from saying that one word. It was as if it didn't have the ability to anything other than the thing that they definitely weren't. It grated their nerves, big time. Their previous friends had turned their backs on them. So, they decided to just be known as the school loner. Better than risking any type of bullying again. Ignoring the concern on the thing's face, they managed (with a lot of difficulty) to pull it out the mess that was the elevator shaft aftermath.

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