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Elena then suddenly hears a key unlocking her door.She stands looking at who it is.

"What do you want?" She questioned when she saw Gillette

"Governor's orders mi'lady!" Gillette says


"You and Miss Swann are to be locked in your rooms until it is safe for you." Gillette said

"What is going on?" Elena asked

"They are going to save Mr Turner mi'lady"

Elena is confused and angry that Elizabeth was able to convince Norrington to save Mr Turner.She felt hatred for Elizabeth and Will.She didn't know why she felt hatred for William,she could not think why.Even her father!How could the governor ignore seeing the way Will and Elizabeth look at each other!

"Just checking why it wouldn't lock"Gillette said awkwardly

"Because I locked it" Elena said emotionlessly

"Of course" Gillette answers

"Wait!" Elena shouted

"Take me to my sister." Elena requested

"You can lock us together in one room take me to my sister!" Elena requested again

Without hesitation, Gillette took her to her sisters room and locked the door.

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