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"That's the tree from the map. That means... it's this way." Sunny says as the group is walking.

"How you holding up?" Alexis asks as she is walking beside Zipp.

"I'm doing okay. Pipp is pretty mad though." Zipp says.

"I'm sure she'll come around. Besides Izzy gets mad at me for things and acts this way too. She'll come around just give her time." Alexis says reassuringly.

"So your sisters with Izzy? That's honestly a little surprising. You guys act nothing alike." Zipp says.

"Well that's because I'm adopted." Alexis says.

"Wait. You're adopted?" Zipp asks in surprise.

"Yeah. I'm a wolf shifter. I lost my family when I was very young. But that's around the time I met Izzy." Alexis says.

"I'm so sorry. I can only imagine how that must have felt." Zipp says as she gives a sympathetic look.

"It's okay. Izzy makes it pretty hard for me to be sad. She gave me reason to live again after it happened. I wouldn't trade her for anything." Alexis says as she looks af Izzy.

"I know that feeling. I'm close with Pipp... at least when she isn't mad at me." Zipp says as she chuckles.

"Like I said she'll come around." Alexis says.

"I can't believe you're a wolf shifter. That's really cool." Zipp says as she smiles.

"Thank you. No one's ever said that about me before." Alexis says while blushing.

"What are we gonna do?" Sunny asks as the group stops at a broken stone bridge.

"Any ideas Zipp?" Pipp asks.

"You know what would be great right now? Let me think. Maybe something like... The ability to fly!" Zipp shouts.

"You know what would be even better? Not being stuck in the middle of nowhere as Outcasts from our own kingdom!" Pipp shouts.

"Oh well. That's the end of that. Time to go home. I wish I could say it was nice meeting all of you but it wasn't. Come on Sunny." Hitch says.

"I don't think so!" Pipp shouts angrily.

"Everypony stop! We're gonna get to the other side, find the crystal and bring back magic! And once we do you'll get to fly, you'll get your fans back and you'll have me in custody! Everypony happy now?!" Sunny shouts as Alexis sees Izzy made a bridge with her horn.

"Nice job Izzy." Alexis says as everyone sees the bridge.

"Come on everypony!" Sunny shouts as the group keeps moving.


Later at night as Alexis is laying away from the others she sees an apple get dropped beside her and sees Zipp.

"I thought you might be hungry." Zipp says.

"You didn't have to do that." Alexis says.

"No but I wanted to. It's the last one." Zipp says.

"Have you eaten?" Alexis asks.

"Not since we left my kingdom no." Zipp says as she lays down beside Alexis.

"Here." Alexis says as she breaks the apple in half and gives one half to Zipp.

"You don't need to share it." Zipp says.

"Like how you don't have to share with me?" Alexis asks as she smiles.

"Touche. So have you ever thought about flying?" Zipp asks as she and Alexis eat their shares of the apple.

"Huh?" Alexis asks as she looks at Zipp.

"Flying. Have you ever thought about it?" Zipp asks.

"A bit but I'm too nervous at the thought. It sounds wonderous but I'd be a little frightened honestly." Alexis says.

"Would you do it if you did it with someone you trusted?" Zipp asks curiously.

"Why do you ask?" Alexis asks as she chuckles.

"Would you like to try flying with me?" Zipp asks.

"Really?" Alexis asks in surprise.

"Yeah. You seemed really interested in it." Zipp says.

"Maybe. Promise not to drop me though?" Alexis asks as she smiles.

"I'd never drop a friend." Zipp says as she smiles at Alexis.

"We always promised each other that someday we would prove that all ponies were meant to be friends. We'll do our part. Hoof to heart." Sunny says as the others are gathered around a fire before Alexis and Zipp go over.

"Hey um... I want to do my part. What have we got to lose right?" Hitch asks as he comes over to the others as they cheer.


"Come on! Our house isn't far from here! Well here we are guys. La villa Izzy and Alexis!" Izzy shouts as the group arrives at her and Alexis's cottage in the woods.

"Did you make all of this?" Zipp asks as the others look around.

"Wait, wait! Watch this! Hold everything! Aah! I've never gotten to use this with actual friends!" Izzy shouts as she shows off for the others.

"We don't have time for that right now. If we're gonna get the information we need on the Unicorn Crystal we can't stick out like sore hooves. We need to look like unicorns." Sunny says.

"Leave that to us." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Yay makeovers! I love makeovers!" Pipp shouts excitedly.

"No. No this is not... This is not what I signed up for. No." Zipp says nervously.

"So Izzy, Alexis can you do it?" Sunny asks.

"Honey you came to the right cottage." Izzy says confidently.

Look Past The Surface MLP: Mark Your Mark Zipp X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now