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The voice was gone, and just when I thought I almost felt its presence. Taking a deep breath, I reluctantly slapped on the silver watch and closed the door.

"Found it." My gaze whipped around to the two adults.

"Alright then," Principal Sita pushed her glasses up with a finger. "Come to my office so we could get you in a classroom as soon as possible."

I drowned the doubt stirring within me and followed her and Harvin down the grassy field. We entered the heavy glass front doors and took a few turns around the empty hallway before arriving at a dark wooden door with the label 'PRINCIPAL'.

She turned the doorknob and ushered us inside. The room was spacious and brightly lit with spotlights. Different portraits were hung on the wall but the most eye-catching was the one behind a semicircular wooden desk which displayed a mega-sized painting of Principal Sita sitting with crossed legs in a boss lady position. I looked down at the chair to see she had assumed the same position, grinning exactly the same way. "Well, have a seat."

I obliged but Harvin remained standing.

She slid a document over to me. "That's your class schedule. I took the liberty of printing it out yesterday." I picked it up and watched as her gaze shifted to my macho butler. "Thank you again for your generous donation to the school Mr. Harvey."

I didn't look back but the straight face the Principal assumed indicated that she didn't quite get the reaction she was looking for.

"So..." She threw her eyes down to her monitor and began clacking on the keyboard. "I believe I opened your record yesterday. Let me see if I can–got it."

I looked up at Harvin and back to the Principal.

"Raziel West," she recited. "Age 16, hometown Short Hills, New Jersey. Guardian, Mr. Harvey Crackers. Reason for transfer, the proximity of workplace."

She tore her eyes from the screen and fixed them on Harvin. "You look a bit sturdy for a managing director."

"I don't have a gym membership for nothing."

"Brains and brawns." She purred but formality quickly returned to her tone. "So Raziel, would there be any other reason why you decided to leave your former school?"

"I... don't remember a former school."

She whipped her glasses off. "Excuse me?"

"The boy is not in top shape today." Harvin piped.

"He said I banged my head till I had amnesia. But I can't remember what happened."

She stared strangely at the both of us. "And you brought him straight to school?"

"It's nothing severe, he'll–"

"He'll see the nurse now and if it is severe, he'll be going to a hospital ward–not a classroom."

Rapid knocks disrupted our conversation. The door was thrown open and a tall man in a dark checkered cashmere sweater and black pants loomed at the entrance. He had platinum blonde hair and thin-framed glasses and held a black leather briefcase in hand. "Miss Sita, there's something urgent I wanted to discuss with you."

The Principal beamed halfheartedly. "Ah, just the person I wanted. Mr. Macron, this is the new student, Raziel West. Raziel, meet the school's guidance counselor, Mr. Abel Macron."

The man attempted to speak but she cut him off. "Would you do well to escort Raziel to the nurse's office? You can familiarize him with the school while you're at it."

They seemed to stare daggers at each other as if having a telepathic warfare.

"Whatever urgent matter you want to discuss can wait for after he meets the nurse. Be mature, Abel. We're dealing with a child's health."

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