last day of school and a new student

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Your POV

I was wearing a crop top,a jean jacket,a jean skirt and I was wearing a jean cap,I then made my way out of the house.

"Yo,yo,yo,yo don't forget this"

"Is it a gift?"

I rolled my eyes and made my way to Becky while walking I pushed Greg really hard making him fall,I then laughed softly and then I reached Becky.

"Have the best last day of school,my gorgeous children!I love you all!"




"Yeah, last day of school, Greg"

"Last chance to ask out Nancy Arbuckle"

I said for Keithie

"Nancy Arbuckle... what's that?you like a girl?is that why you've been taking them long showers?"

"No,I'm conditioning my hair, that's all I do in the shower... condition my hair"

"That's not what the deer told me"

"That deers a liar"

"Why are you getting so offensive over a deer damn"

I said rolling my eyes

"I heard too much conditioning can make you go blind"

"What? where'd you hear that?"


I said to dad

"I should kill him"

"He's too chicken to ask her out,dad,cause she's the hottest girl in school"

"And Greg is fugly"

I said looking him up and down in disgust.

"So what he's fugly?all the guys in our family are fugly,that don't stop us from getting the hot chicks,look at me and look at your mother I mean,it makes no sense only in,like,a Hollywood movie or something"

"Every guy in school likes her,dad"

"And you'll be the guy who ends up with her you know why? you're gonna follow my three-step program,number one,make the girl smile,number two,tell her she has a nice smile,number three,say she has to go out with you that night"

"Why that night?"

"Cause it gives her less time to think about how fugly you are,cause you are fugly"

"That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard and keithie's right I'm too chicken to even talk to her"

"Hey,you're Feder,feders ain't afraid of woman,buddy"

"Or men"

I said making Becky smile at me making me smile back

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