Good ending

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You woke up one morning to your dad talking to Harry and Springtrap. Apparently, springtrap was gonna tell you something.

"Are you ready to tell them?" Harry asked.


"Tell us what?" You asked, your sister curiously standing behind you.

"Oh, girls!" He smiled nervously. "He's going to tell you what he should have told you a long time ago. Right, springtrap?" Harry said. "He's what?" Your dad said, confused.

"U-uhm, uh... no, I- I can't do it! Harry, you tell them!" He held his head in his hands.

"This is something you should do, man! They've pretty much figured it out anyway, you know how much would mean to them if you just told them output?" Harry stated.

"No, please! I can't do it!" He said.

"Just tell them, or I'm showing them the recording." Harry threatened. "No, please don't!" He begged.

"Tell them!" He held up his phone.

"Stop! Don't you understand what cornering him does?" Delia glared at them. You offered him your hand. "It's okay, springtrap. You can tell us. I won't get mad." You smiled softly. He stared up at you before nervously reaching his hand out and pulling himself up on his knees.

"Okay... okay, I'll tell you. First, I need to tell you I always wanted to be a good friend to you... but I've been so afraid of losing you, and it hurts so bad..." He stared down at your hand, still holding it.

"...Yknow, even if it hurts really bad... I still think you can do anything. Even be a better person." Delia said. He smiled for a moment before frowning again.

"Okay... the truth is, I'm not a cute bunny. I'm... just a man, who's soul is trapped in here. And I'm a man who killed six children at Freddy Fazbear's, where I used to work. I killed them because I knew I could keep them in those animatronics forever. And... I thought I could take care of them better than their parents did. When I was alive, I dealt with... problems. My psychiatrist even told me he believed I was seriously dangerous but I didn't want to believe him. I wanted kids but couldn't adopt because of it. It's not an excuse, though. It's not an excuse for how I treated you both and how I took them away from their loving families. So there. Now you know. And I realize this was stupid- pretending to be something I wasn't so... a kid could see me as their dad. And so... a girl... could actually like me. I'm so sorry. Please. Please forgive me-"

He reached up to her but she jumped back.

"Please don't touch me."

"I... Yknow what? I'll just leave." He got up and started to walk away.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Harry asked. "No, but that's not their problem- I've done enough. I should just go." He said.

"But... where will you go?" She asked.

"To hell, probably."

"Springtrap, wait! Maybe you can stay with me instead." Harry offered. "You wouldn't want me around, I'm sure." He muttered.

"My parents won't, but I will. I'll help you! Yknow what? My uncles a therapist, maybe you can arrange something with him. It'll be complicated, but I'm sure we could figure something out. Just... give it a shot before you do something drastic to yourself. Please." Harry said.

"... okay. Fine." He squeezed his eyes shut.

"Come on, then, let's go through the back door, so no one sees you." "Okay, yeah."

He started walking away. He glanced back at you one more time. Delia clung to your father as he glared at him. You stood off to the side, just staring at him. He sighed and walked out with Harry.

Delia began crying as she clung to your dad.

"I- I don't- I told you springtrap was a better dad- I'm so sorry, dad!" She sobbed.

"It's okay, it's okay... I should've been a better dad to you and your sister. I should've protected you."

You hugged them both, comforting them.


You looked over to see if Delia was asleep yet. You heard soft snoring so you quietly got up and walked out of the room.

You tip tied down the stairs and through the living room. You carefully opened and closed the door.

You walked over to Harry's house to see Springtrap outside on the porch, spaced out.

"Springtrap?" You called and he jumped.

"Y/n! Gosh, you scared me. Why, um... why are you here?" He asked.

"I... wanted to see you." You said, walking over and standing next to him.

"Why? Am I not a monster? Your sister seemed to think so." He sighed.

"Springtrap, you think I didn't know you were the Fazbear killer?" He looked at you curiously. "What?"

"I figured it out. I figured it out straight away. It was so obvious. But that's not the point. The point is, you're trying to change. And I think you're doing a really good job." You put a hand on his shoulder and he blushed.

"You... think so?"

"Yeah, you shouldn't stress about it. I know Delia will come around eventually. She's just... scared. And confused right now. And who knows, maybe my dad will too. Either way, I know deep down, you're a great guy."

You kissed his nose. He blushed deeply.

"Y/n... you... you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my life. Will you... will you be mine?"

Your eyes widened by his words. You then embraced him.

"I would love to." You smiled, standing on your tippy toes to kiss his fuzzy lips. He smiled widely, kissing your forehead.

In love with a monster~ Springtrap x readerWhere stories live. Discover now